Here is an interesting video about your slow and fast twitch muscles.  The information is very general but you can get an idea of what they are getting at.

So in CrossFit we want you to be good at everything.  Lon Kilgore wrote on article named “Removing Interference” for the CrossFit Journal back in 2007.  Read it here.  I’ve always enjoyed his writing.

There is a narrative out there that you cannot make gains in strength and endurance at the same time.  Obviously it is not true.  There are two theories of this:  Acute and Chronic.  Chronic is currently the widely accepted theory.  I will not outline them here in hope you actually read this article.  :-)

Anyways, Kilgore discusses “The Continuum of Adaptation Persistence” in his article (taken from “Practical Programming for Strength Training”).  It works like this:

Hypertrophy > Strength > Muscular Endurance > Power > Technique > Cardiovascular Endurance

“Cardiovascular endurance is the least persistent; hypertrophy the most persistent. Significant loss of VO2 max (cardiovascular endurance) can occur in a number of days whereas the significant decay of added muscle mass (hypertrophy) may take many weeks or months upon cessation of training”

Fascinating.  Is this why you can takes a week off and then PR your back squat?  Probably that and the rest.  Regardless, I think Kilgore sums CrossFit up perfectly below:

CrossFit represents an intended adaptation to a wide spectrum of physiologic stressors, adaptations relevant to the broad fitness required for demanding occupational effort and diverse recreational activity. While some interference does occur with this model of training, it is significantly less than with simultaneous or sequential aerobic and strength training. CrossFit training’s organization and approach makes “specific” training for “general” fitness possible.



Friday’s Workout:

Prep: 9 mins of a)

10/10 single arm press

12 bird dogs

30 secs goblet squat

b) 400m farmer walk

Tech: Heavy squat clean thruster (3×3)

Workout: Quarter Gone Bad

Five rounds for total reps of:

135 pound Thruster, 15 seconds

Rest 45 Seconds

50 pound Weighted pull-up, 15 seconds

Rest 45 Seconds

Burpees, 15 seconds

Rest 45 seconds

Post total reps for all five rounds


Saturday’s Workout:

Warm: for aprox 7 mins

10 banded pull through

20 mountain climbers

10 t-spine bridge

Skill: Deadlift of sumo deadlift

5,5,5 0r 5,3,1

Workout: Diannie

Deadlift 21-15-9  at 225/135lbs

Double under 50-30-10 between deadlift rounds


21 Deadlifts

50 DU

15 Deadlift

30 DU

And so on



One Comment

  1. Awesome! So nice to see some 'girls' again! - Thanks Charlie!

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