Unless you’ve been living under a log on a remote island, you’ve seen, or at least heard about, Bruce Jenner’s transformation to become Caitlyn Jenner.
Good for Bruce and/or Cailtyn. No issues there.
Here are my two issues, though. Post your comments/concerns/challenges to comments.
1. CHANGING HISTORY: If you look on wikipedia, Bruce Jenner’s page has already been updated to say “she” was an Olympic decathlete. I don’t give a shit that Bruce is now Cailtyn, but I DO have a problem with changing history. SHE was not an Olympic athlete. SHE was a HE, and HE competed in the men’s division. Since when can we change history in (what appears to me as) the name of human compassion?
2. IGNORING SCIENCE: One topic that has emerged in the mainstream media since this story broke is about how transgendered and trans-fluid individuals want sex removed from a child’s birth certificate. WHAT? I get that gender is something we choose, but sex is less debatable. Most people are born either a male or a female. To remove sex from a birth certificate to appease the wishes of a handful of individuals who have specific gender wishes doesn’t seem right to me.
Am I the only one who feels this way?
Monday’s Workout:
Warm Up:
10/10 Table tops
10/10 Bulgarian split squat
20 Knees to elbows
10 Squat and reach x 2
30 Glute march
(:20) Front Squat – 2,2,2 (110%,115%,120%)
(:40) 3 Person Team Amrap
20 minutes of:
5 Front Squat (155/110 lbs)
3 Rope climbs
-No racks – Squat clean the first one if you like
-1 person working at a time
-Can’t partition the front squats
Optional Finisher: Eazy 1000 m row
DO NOT leave without mega stretching your quads, hips, glutes and hammies. Don’t forget about your back, shoulder and forearms!
House of Shepherd
Interesting post Emily.
Bruce Jenner is a very good golfer. A 5.3 handicap!
The United States Golf Association has released a statement that Caitlyn will now have to start from 0 with her handicap. So he will essentially shoot the same but be a woman. Assuming he would continue to play from the more difficult tee boxes vs the lady's tees, and continue to play well, Caitlyn's handicap is bound to drop (get better) simply because the scores are being registered as a woman. Caitlyn will essentially be the same golfer but have a lower handicap once she has logged a bunch of new scores.
This is important for you to know in case you are going to be playing a money game with Caitlyn sometime soon. Just thought I should give you all the heads up. ;-)
Here's a thought. I haven't paid attention to this story so know nothing but what if Caitlyn was always there within Bruce during the Olympics. if Caitlyn would have identified and made the change from a young age would we have a problem? I've worked with lots of trans youth and if they were athletes at Olympic level they will have had at least 4-5yrs living as the 'other' gender...would they qualify as the gender they live their lives? That being said I imagine all of this will be a different story come 10yrs from now. Just like same sex marriage etc etc. just like crossfit was considered some stupid crazy sport a few years back.
As if we're not going to call her Jennerfer...
Digesting the birth certificate debate I come up with a big who cares for my opinion. I imagine it as more of an administrative issue than anything else. Can society function without Sex as a determining administrative characteristic?
Caitlyn Jenner (born William Bruce) was an Olympic decathlete. He was a world record holder. She was also a world record holder, although Caitlyn Jenner never was.
Something to chew on.
The difference being: I could go into wikipedia right now and edit an article. History textbooks would need to be republished. Nobody is lobbying to change history text. This was done on an open source website by who knows who.
And in today's world of biometrics and C51, removing sex from birth certificates, I'd argue, is a step in the RIGHT direction.
The only thing that I'm troubled about is ; where did she put his penis? Or he or she? Shit I'm confused now. But maybe we should strip the medals from her for not competing as the correct gender?
The point is where do we draw the line? Change facts in history textbooks, too? That's not something that would concerned you? Although not an academic source Wikipedia is generally pretty accurate.
What I don't understand is your issue with either of these. Who the eff cares what wikipedia says? And when's the last time you looked at you're birth certificate??
Perhaps you're trying to drum up a debate where there really isn't one. It's a laudable goal; you know I love a good debate. :)