I’ve seen a fair share of massage therapists in my day. Some good some better than others.
Lately I have been seeing our very own CJ Castro. If you didn’t already know he recently became a certified RMT. Anyway, I just thought I would send a shout his way and let you all know that the dude knows whats up.
As a CrossFitter himself he knows the movements, he knows the type of stress I put on my body and he knows where to look for problems. Just because your wrist is nagging you doesn’t mean that your wrist is the trouble spot. He can move up and down stream to diagnose any issues you may have.
He has adjusted my hip for me as well as worked out more than a few knots in my calves and forearms.
CJ is stationed at Evoke Integrated Medicine downtown. Address is #312 – 1030 WEST GEORGIA ST. Fill out the form here – http://www.evokemedicine.com/ – if you would like get a hold of CJ or grab him on the floor.
He’s good folks.
Warm Up:
Coaches choice of
elbow prep
pec stretch
scap stability
EMOM 20 min pick one of each and pick a number from 3-10. try and add one rep to last weeks numbers.
1. strict pull up/ring row/bent over row
2. pike push up/ring push up/handstand push up
3. ring dip/dip/push up
4. transition drill/hollow rock/v-snap/muscle up
5. t2b/k2e/ghd situp/30 sec plank hold
Workout: the dream team
9 min time cap
50/40 cal row
1 min rest
40 burpee box jumps 24/20
Coaching points:
Controlled pace on the row even though you get the minute of rest, controlled pace for the first 30 bbj then time to hit the pedal. Step up and across the box rather than jumping every rep.