Emotional Contagion, its going around | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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Emotional Contagion, its going around

Emotional Contagion, its going around



Emotional contagion is a scientific term describing the way people’s moods can spread to those around them.

Groups can actually catch each other’s moods like viruses, often without anyone releasing its happening.

If someone is depressed, they can walk into a room and pull everyone around them into a vortex of negativity. The same thing can happen if they’re happy.

Don’t believe me?

jb 2  Set your barbell next to this guy, and try not to have a good workout.


But who infects who? Is it always negative to positive or positive to negative?

It seems the answer is charisma.  

Physiologist Howard Friedman did a study a while back comprised of two groups. Group A was made of of individuals who scored high on a charisma test and Group B was comprised of individuals who had low scores on the same test.  

Both groups took a questionnaire measuring how they felt ‘at this instant’. 

Then, members from Group A sat in front of members from Group B, without speaking, for what must have been an awkward two minutes.

No talking, just looking.

They went back to their separate corners and retook the questionnaire.

Friedman found in most trials, the highly charismatic person infected the person who sat lower on the charisma ladder, with their mood (happy or sad).

It rarely went the other way.


Food for thought.





10/10  Bowlers squats 

20 goblet squats

20 burpees

 then Barbell Flow

15 Shrugs

15 muscle cleans

15 Front Squats

15 hang squat cleans


Tech: 3 RM Hang Squat Clean


300m Row

30 D-Ball slams

2 rounds

Coaches run 2 heats in the event of large classes.



  • By Dashie 26 May 2014

    I hope JB is at the 4pm class tomorrow……………….DRIIIIIVVVVVVEEEEE!!!!

  • By Rambo 26 May 2014

    Tried … Failed. Had a good workout. Crossing my fingers since I’m at the 4pm tomorrow too!

  • By Meagan 26 May 2014

    Everyone PR’s when JB’s in class!!!! Haha!

  • By Clyde 26 May 2014

    This one time I set my barbell next to jb and not only did I have a great work out, but my grey hairs turned back to brunette and I could play a mean Devil Went Down to Georgia banjo riff.

  • By Squad 27 May 2014

    It’s like an attack of energy from JB on PR day. He literally runs at you with it.

    F@cking love that guy.

    Funny… I was thinking of writing a post on the JB effect.
    Foiled again by Andy.

  • By Derek 27 May 2014

    One time I was having such a bad workout that I crapped my shorts. JB turned that mess into rainbows, flowers, butterflies and pixie dust.

  • By Shep Shep 27 May 2014

    Great post Andy.

    I really believe that we should be aware of the energy we carry with us and how it can affect other people. Both good and bad.

    Nothing boils my blood faster than real grumps that say “This is just who I am”. Ugh. Its such a small game to play.

    Being aware and responsible for the energy one puts out there in the world is a big part of why the vibe at our gym is so great. The more people do this the better it gets.

  • By Darth Erkel 27 May 2014

    It’s just who I am.

  • By King 27 May 2014

    JB is the man!

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