In House Competition/Nutts Cup Qualifier
Friday June 14th we will be hosting an In House Competition/Nutts Cup Qualifier. The top 12 teams from the Competition will receive early access to Nutts Cup and will be given a spot in Nutts Cup. These teams must be made of 1 woman and 2 men.
Now, if there are folks out there who are just looking to compete for the fun and are worried about the Nutts Cup aftermath there is an option for you as well. If you are interested in doing the In House Competition with a few friends for the laughs and the good time then you’re in luck. We will open the remaining spots to teams in either scenario. Nutts Cup hopefuls or weekend warriors. Teams for the weekend warrior side can consist of any mix of genders, 3 women and 3 men are fine for example.
The workouts for the Nutts Cup qualifier have been posted at the gym for some time now, but just incase you have missed them I will post them below. I will also post the workouts for the Weekend Warrior division as well. They will similar in length but the movements will be altered slightly.
Workout 1.
One partner working at a time, switch as needed.
Nutts Cup Qualifier
15 min AMRAP
100 Wall balls 20/12
50 T2B
100 Wall balls
25 Muscle ups
Weekend Warrior
15 min AMRAP
100 Wall balls 20/10
50 T2B
100 Wall balls 20/10
25 ring dips
Workout 2.
12 min time cap
Nutts Cup Qualifier
2 men complete 30 deadlifts at 235 while woman does 40 cal row
2 men complete 30 front squats at 185 while woman does 40 box jumps 20″
2 men complete 30 thrusters at 135 while woman does 40 burpees
Weekend Warrior
2 partners complete 30 deadlifts while one partner does 40 cal row (195/125)
2 partners complete 30 front squats while one partner does 40 box jumps (145/95) (24/20)
2 partners complete 30 thrusters while one partner does 40 burpees (95/65)
Workout 3.
One round each relay style. 10 min time cap
Nutts Cup Qualifier
400m run
21 kb swings (55/35)
12 chest to bar pull ups
Weekend Warrior
400m run
21 kb swings (55/35)
12 pull ups
Workout 4.
Nutts Cup Qualifier & Weekend Warrior
9 min to establish 1 rep max clean and jerk
the buy in to attempt a clean and jerk is 25 double unders (50 singles for weekend warrior is acceptable)
Lets get some new and old faces out on June 14th.
[email protected]
4-6 Dynamic Warm-up lengths
20 Dowel Dislocates
20 Band Pull Aparts
12 Scapula Push-ups
12 Scapula Pull-ups
2 minute Goblet Squat
Strength: DB Snatch Tech
**Work your way up to one heavy single on each arm.
Workout: The Chieftain
5 rounds of:
3 minute AMRAP of:
3/3 DB Snatch (choose your own load)
6 Push-ups (HSPU for those who can do them)
9 Squats (pistols for those who can do them)
Score is total rounds and reps. Begin the next round where you finished the round before – just like the Chief.
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