One of the things we take pride in at MadLab is the power of a shared experience. Every person who walks through our door, young, old, fit, decrepit, goes through pretty much the same first day: A potentially devastating ball run, pull-ups, push-ups etc, topped off with Tabata Squats. 

The more fit you are, the harder the day can be. I always say the idea is to get you high without overdosing you; however, some people overdose HARD.

Today, Tom’s brother Andrew (who just moved to Vancouver from Uxbridge, Ontario) became a part of this shared experience. The result:

andrew day 1

This picture was taken after the ball run (1:48). He went on to complete 5 pull-ups and “8 lousy push-ups until I stopped him,” said Tom, and finished off with 9 Tabata Squats.

Andrew described his first day in one word: “Sufficient.”

After coming home and scrambling to make a protein smoothie and power back some chicken, Andrew, who could afford to gain a few pounds, said: “Is this what I have to do now? Workout until I feel like I’m going to puke, and then eat until I feel like I’m going to puke?”

Andrew’s next move is to buy a used bike. Does anyone have a bike they want to sell? If so, post to comments! Thanks.

Welcome to the family, Andrew!

Monday’s WOD

W/U:     6 minutes

12 mountain climbers

6 forearm wall slides with retraction

30 sec Handstand

TECH:  Deadlift (5 x 5)

WOD:    21 – 15 – 9 Deadlift (135/ 225lb)

                15 – 9 – 6 Muscle Up


  1. For used bikes, Sports Junkies at Manitoba and Broadway is probably the best place to look.

  2. Oh that sounds familiar lol. It gets easier, but I wonder how I'd handle my brother coaching me...

    By Mike F September 8, 2014
  3. Welcome to the Family! At least you finished the first day there are many that have not!!!!

    By Dashie September 8, 2014
  4. Post Tabata Squats

    Shep: You don't look so hot!!

    Me: Naw, I'm good

    Shep: Bathrooms that way.

    Me: Pukie Pukie Pukie.

    Haven't looked back since

    By Cabana Boy September 8, 2014
  5. I was so scared of my 1st day.... Eunice, you were good to me. ;)

    Can't wait to meet the less grumpy of the gumplestiltskin clan

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