Progressions are a part of our daily lives
A while back Emile and I started talking about how awesome it would be if we could educate everyone about how to excel at the movements we practice everyday. Granted some skills and lifts are far harder than others and require much more strength, speed or finesse.
What we as coaches want everyone to understand is that there is path to each and every movement. An air squat is a prerequisite for a front squat. A front squat is a prerequisite for a clean. A clean is a prerequisite for a snatch. It all plays into one another.
So its not a matter of snatching over and over and over to improve your snatch; but mastering the basics and honing in on what we believe is a systematic approach to creating injury free and successful clients is the key to making continual progress.
Perfect example is the Open workout 15.3 this year. How many people tried a muscle up for the first time? Some. How many people tried a muscle up who have been practicing them hear and there every once in a while? Lots… And thats cool, but whats cooler is knocking them out of the park the same way Wendy did this year. She worked her ass off and banged off a ton of muscle ups this year. She even called it the highlight of the year.
Below is a living and growing document containing progressions and mastery for each gymnastics movement that we practice each and every day.
Some of you may be able to do certain movements without meeting the prerequisite. Thats fine, but the idea is that playing with and accomplishing the prereq will allow for much more gain and growth than simply haphazardly working on a muscle up with poor mechanics or a hspu with less than ideal body position.
Look it over folks.
Coaches ChoiceDrills
A. OTM for 8 mins – 20 sec hollow rock w/ 10s hollow hold finishB. Muscle up drills
Workout “Rope-Pistol-Muscle-up”:
Work through 10 rounds of:
– 1 rope climb
– 5/5 pistols
– 3 muscle ups of any kind (sub – dips/push ups)
By cube 26 Mar 2015
strict muscle up a pre-req for a kipping muscle up? explain yourself!
By Tom 26 Mar 2015
Cube, imagine how easy kipping would be if you could do it strict first. Also as far as tendons and joints go practicing strict will help prevent soreness and inflammation. It’s the perfect situation but obviously not the only one.
By Wendy 26 Mar 2015
Bottom line is: if you want a muscle up, Tom will give you a muscle up. He’ll laugh, criticize, Tompliment, and chastise you a metric shit tonne in the process. But you will get a muscle up.
And now…to figure out how to string them together….