My commitment to all my clients is that you have a happy healthy life. 

So if your pull up is lacking we train your arms and shoulder girdle to increase the level of force it can produce.  There are several ways to do this.  We can get you practicing negatives.  We can have you do strict pull ups or ring rows.  The list is endless.

So why don’t we use this strategy in training our brains to be happy?


Eric Barker published in time Magazine has written an article outlining 3 simple ways to train our brains to be happy. Read the article here.

He prefaces these simple tasks by looking at the way the brains of professional critical thinkers operate (lawyers, accountants). They spend 10 hours a day analyzing information and looking for the mistakes and problems.  Then they go home and do this to their spouse or kids.  How do you think that turns out for them?

As a coach with Mad Lab for the last 8 years I can relate to this disposition.  I can catch myself sometimes assessing and problem solving at home when I should just be listening and being supportive (even if I’m right and can solve all the world’s problems – HaHa) 

So here are the 3 things you can do to train your brain to be happy:

1) Three Blessings – Ten minutes before bed write out 3 things that went well today and why they went well.  They don’t have to be earth moving.  Could be you  hit every traffic light green on your morning commute.  Ask yourself why this happened.  Its not enough to just think them.  You have to write or type them out in a journal.  Physical manifestation.

2) Social comparison – Only compare yourself to others who are worse off than you.  Sounds a little odd right?  Well research shows doing this consistently makes one feel better about themselves.  I know when I look at people my age who have been working towards saving for their retirement much longer than me I hate myself. Why not look at others my age who have no means to save for their retirement?  Makes me appreciate my situation in a much more positive manner.

3) Tell yourself the right stories – “According to the psychologist Michele Crossley, depression frequently stems from an “incoherent story,” an “inadequate narrative account of oneself,” or “a life story gone awry….  Depression frequently stems from an “incoherent story,” or “a life story gone awry”.  Change the story.  Maybe “I can’t hack university” should be “I just needs to learn the ropes”.

Pwetty pwease do not let my hard work here go to waste (if you knew how bad a typer I am you would understand) .  Take on these tasks.  Be happy.  The world needs it.


Special thanks to my lovely girlfriend Shelley for giving the idea for this post.  :-)

Hugs and Kisses,



Friday’s Workout:


Coach’s Choice

Include – Handcuff Press



A. Split Jerk (hold catch position for 3 sec) 3, 3, 3

B. Pendley Row 5, 5, 5



12, 9, 6, 3 reps of:

135 lbs Jerk

20lbs DBall Slams

2 pood Russian KB Swings


Saturday’s Workout:


Coach’s Choice



Groove Squat Clean Thruster



In Teams of 2, alt movements

10 Squat Clean Thruster (115/75lbs)

10 Burpees

200m Run

10 Rounds(approx 20-30min)


  1. I literally read this article 36 hrs ago!!! Thx Shelly!!

    And thx Kate for that perspective. I'm learning about mental training. It's just as hard as physical training!!

    By Wendy October 18, 2014
  2. This x 1000. Happiness is a skill, not an emotion. Like all skills, it comes naturally to some people. For others, it takes a lot of time, patience and persistence to develop, particularly if you are one of those analytical types. Forget applying your analytical nature to your family. It's MUCH easier (and just as damaging, if not more so) to apply those skills to yourself. Learning to turn that off takes work. A gratitude journal makes a big impact. So do some techniques derived from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Realizing these things and consciously focusing on them has made a huge positive impact on my life in the past 5 years or so. Now if only I worked on my pull ups that much...

    Great post, Sheppy. Thanks for bringing this up.

  3. I like that idea Kermit!

    Be happy :)

    By Shelley October 17, 2014
  4. I used to write 3 good things that happened every day in a book I kept by my bed, but ran out of pages. Time to get a new book.

    By Kermit October 17, 2014
  5. Inspiring words!!! Thanks coach! Be happy :) Love Love

  6. It's a good one alright! Tools are helpful and happy mind makes everything so much better :D

    By Corrina October 16, 2014
  7. Yes I thought your hippy nature might like this. You are a very happy person. Good leadership there.

    By Sheppy October 16, 2014
  8. Great post sheppy! Love this!!!

    By Stacey wallace October 16, 2014

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