Get the girls checked!!!
So, when you think of October, you probably think of fall, the leaves changing colour, clocks changing, Halloween, all fun stuff. But October is also Breast Cancer Awareness month. And in my line of work this is a time where things can get a bit busier.
For those of you who don’t know, I am an X-Ray Technologist and also a Mammography Technologist. I see people affected by Breast Cancer on a weekly basis.
So what I want to ask of YOU this October, is that if you are a female over 40, or if you have a friend or family member that is eligible, mom, sister, aunt, grandmother, best friend, ask them to come in for a Mammogram. Screening Mammograms do save lives!!
To find out if you are eligible for a Screening Mammogram, please go to the following website:
or check the below table

If you are age 40 to 74 with a first degree relative (mother, daughter, sister) with breast cancer: |
It is recommended that you get a mammogram every year. Women with a family history of breast cancer are almost two times more likely to develop breast cancer. A doctor’s referral is not needed. |
If you are age 40 to 49 without a family history of breast cancer: |
You are encouraged to talk to your doctor about the benefits and limitations of mammography. If screening mammography is chosen, it is available every two years. A doctor’s referral is not needed but is recommended. |
If you are age 50 to 74 without a family history of breast cancer: |
It is recommended that you get a mammogram every two years. For women in this age group, the benefits of screening mammograms clearly outweigh the limitations. Book your appointment today. A doctor’s referral is not needed. |
You are encouraged to talk to your doctor about the benefits and limitations of mammography. If screening mammography is chosen, it is available every two to three years. A doctor’s referral is not needed but is recommended. |
If you are younger than age 40: |
Screening mammograms are not recommended unless you have a known BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, prior chest wall radiation or strong family history of breast cancer. A doctor’s referral is needed for every screen. |
I personally have had a cousin and two coworkers diagnosed with this disease in the last couple years. We are all affected by it at some point. Screening is not a cure to Breast Cancer but early detection is key.
Take care,
Coach’s Choice
A. Hold 2 inches from the bottom of a push up. 15 sec on : 15 sec off X 6
B. Hold @ top of ring dip (rings turned out if possible). 15 sec on : 15 sec off X 6
24 Medball Cleans (20/14lbs)
12 Push Ups
400m Run
5 Rounds
By Cabana Boy 12 Oct 2014
Get em check ladies!!
My mom was diagnosed 3 years ago with stage between 3 and 4. She hadn’t gone to get checked for 4 years, she was one of the lucky ones who made it out safe and sound. Sooo Please please please get checked.
By Wendy 12 Oct 2014
Can you tell us what constitutes “strong family history”?
By Sara 13 Oct 2014
If you’re not eligible get used to touching your pair and get your partner involved too (after reading this asked mine to tell me how, he didn’t know) manual self exams are just as important
By Casper 13 Oct 2014
“strong family history” usually refers to first degree relatives, i.e. a woman’s mother, sister or daughter. Women who have a family history of cancer of the cervix, uterus or colon are also at increased risk. See the BCCA website for more info: