Nutts Cup RECAP | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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Nutts Cup RECAP

Nutts Cup RECAP

Here’s a picture of the winning team – the winners of $3,000 – from last weekend’s Nutts Cup: CONTROL, ALT, DELETE!

I guess I understimated their charisma?

And possibly more importantly, the winner of the Andy Nutts DUDE award, which was awarded at 2:30 am, was Bradleah ‘Pinky’ Dahlman.

I can’t say enough about this girl. Like Sheppy said, before CrossFit the only workout she had ever done was the Suzanne Somers Thigh Master. Not only is she a great athlete now – she competed at the Games in California this summer with our team – she is likely the most well-liked person at CrossFit Vancouver. It’s impossible to say a bad word about her. She arrives everyday with a smile on her face, and considering that she works with 5-year-olds as a Kindergarten teacher all day, that’s an accomplishment in itself. On top of this, she manages to keep her husband ‘The Ginger Monkey’ happy and in control most of the time. She works her ass off here, adds an upbeat, positive vibe at the box, is as loyal as a puppy, and she never misses a CrossFit Vancouver function or party. Bradleah – this place wouldn’t be CrossFit Vancouver without you.

Also, she has one of the nicest asses around. Surrounded by some of the fittest, most ripped, sexy bodies in the world at the CrossFit Games this summer, Patty turned to Bradleah at the end of the weekend and said, “I never saw a better bum.”

Pinky and Kayla

For more great Nutts Cup pictures, courtesy of Kim Bellavance, visit WODHOG.

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