That’s right folks! The Month of Shepherd has arrived.

First off special hugs and kisses to Andy for a great October of programming. Thanks for all your hard work dude. :-)

As always I will be giving you several opportunities to work hard.  There will be a considerable metabolic conditioning focus.

I’ve often said the squat is the foundational movement of functional fitness.  So let’s improve your squat!  This month we will have a front squat focus.  5 sets of 10 reps.  This will be programmed once a week along with other squat workouts.  My hope is that your technique and strength improve.


There are many days with cleans programmed.  I’ve coupled drills with each one as its not enough to just mess around with the bar.  You WILL make scarecrow by December.

There will also be lots of interval work in the form of EMOMs and workouts.  Both great ways to organize a lot of work and effort.

Remembrance Day is upon us.  We will have reduced classes that day.  As has become tradition at MadLab we will be doing “Nutts” as a workout.  You can do it in single, partner or triple partners format.

So if I had to summarize this next month of programming I would say there is an abundance of volume. With this in mind I ask you to listen to your body.  This month was designed for you to do no more than 3 days in a row.  Be smart about your attendance and effort. To combat the volume increase we will also be programming warm downs on some days.

Good Luck!!



Monday’s Workout:

Warm Up: Coach’s choice


A) Clean pull to scarecrow – 5 sets of 3 reps

This drill is designed to get you learning the correct bar path and body position through the first 2 pulls (and eventually into the 3rd)

B) Power Clean – 3 sets of 3 (1,1,1)

Workout: I got this out of a magazine. Bad Asses are doing it in 6 minutes.

For Time:

25 Burpees

25 Power Clean (135/95lbs)

25 Burpees

7 WallBalls (20/14lbs) every minute on the minute

15 minute time limit

So the clock starts and you begin doing your 25 burpees. At the top of the first minute (1:00) you do 7 wallballs. Upon completion of those 7 wb you go back to finishing your 25 burpees or wherever you are in the count. Top of the second minute is another 7 wb and so on and so on…

Coaching Points: DO NOT settle for that crappy clean when you bounce the bar WAY out off your thighs. Keep the bar tight to your body. Hopefully the clean pulls will educate you as to where the bar should be. Good technique is all about conservation of metabolic energy. You’ll need all your reserves for this one.




  1. If you sign up for the muscle-up clinic, Wendy, you're guaranteed 7 weeks of 5 pms!

    By Eunice November 2, 2014
  2. The petition is up beside the women's washroom door. If you'd like to see a Sunday afternoon/evening class, please sign.

    ...heck...even if you don't give a crap about Sunday classes, please sign.

    By Wendy November 2, 2014

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