More, of nothingstevez.
“Studies reveal that even elite athletes are unable to reproduce invariant movement patterns despite years of practice” [Davids et. al. 2003]

I love helping people develop what ever sense is lacking, whether that be physical, mental, or technical. Our development starts to define the way we move consciously and unconsciously. Without getting too trusting into neuroscience (the fact being: we can do some cool stuff, but living tissue can create some wild consciousness that may be a wee bit out of our league) I find myself loving a good theory now and then; the Dynamic Systems delivers.
The summ here being, with a higher level of skill, there are more degrees of freedom. More ‘variability’ means more possible outcomes. We may not be repeating the same pattern(s). Take something as close to home as lifting and gymnastic elements, some environments (or patterns) our bodies adapt to; or, perhaps the loads of randoms tasks you perform day to day. So you don’t have specific programs running through your body, like a computer per se. We aren’t computers. Motor patterns come up through a variety of ways to achieve a stable outcome. Several attempts at the same task leads to different outcomes. So now that your getting better, you have more ways of doing things. That’s kind of a boner to the thigh when we’re trying to learn up or prevent a nasty outcome.
When we train, we adapt to the stress that is placed on us, mentally, technically, physically. We all are just as capable as making mistakes. Michael Jordan missed baskets, but not at the hand of his poor ball handling; he’ll always be ballin’. Embrace your adaptability, respond to ‘unexpected’ encounters ;). Skills and experiences are progressive and often lead to more.
That’s what I’m about, more.
The Chestevez
Warm-up – 2 Rounds
2 lengths bear crawl, 10 ea way X-band steps, 30 Double-Unders or 270m Run (max 8 mins)
5×4 back squats (50,65,70,80,100,80%)
“3-2-1 Rest” – Send 2 heats of 12 or less at the zero and 4min mark
Complete 2 Sets:(18min Workout) for Max Calories + HSPU + Pullups
- 3 Minutes of Rowing,
- 2 Minutes of Strict Handstand Push-Ups*,
- 1 Minute of Kipping Pull-ups,
Rest 3 min,
*sub pike HSPU’s (2 to 1 for score)
* banded pull-ups (2 to 1)
1 Comment:
By Sheppy 09 Mar 2015
Now Michael Jordan is truly Ballin’!!