Let's Start Thinking about THE OPEN 2013 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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Let's Start Thinking about THE OPEN 2013

Let's Start Thinking about THE OPEN 2013

What is the OPEN, you ask?

The Open competition is a worldwide CrossFit competition that essentially acts as the first round of qualification to the CrossFit Games – the World Championships. The idea behind the Open is that, like CrossFit, ANYBODY can do it. Last year’s first Open workout, for example, was 7 minutes of burpees. Even your 90-year-old grandma could likely get a legitimate score on this event.

This year’s Open starts March 6th and runs for five weeks (one workout per week), but registration begins THIS WEEK on January 30th.

Read more and watch videos about the Open, Regionals and The CrossFit Games on the GAMES website.

Who should sign up??

I strongly feel we all should sign up! We’ll be doing these workouts each week at CF Van anyway, so you might as well sign up and be a part of it. You don’t have to be an elite athlete to compete. You don’t even need to have goals of making it to the Regional competition to be involved. For most people, it’s just a chance to be a part of something and to compete harder than they normally would.

Alex, who the morning crew refers to as ‘Lex’, is a perfect example of someone who has set his sights on the Open this year and has some personal goals he wants to achieve. Last year, he found himself in the 70th percentile of the men in the Canada West Region. This year, he has been working his ass off and hopes to finish in the top 50 per cent of men in our region, which considering the impressive line up of competitors – and the sheer number of people competing – would be a great accomplishment for him.

The point is, it’s a fun competition to be a part of, it’s something specific to train for, and you will undoubtedly go a little bit harder with something on the line. Everyone who competed last year ended up completing workouts they never thought they’d be able to complete.

And on top of this, the affiliate who registers the most athletes in each region, wins 150 tickets to the Canada West Regionals. It would be kind of cool to be that affiliate. We have the numbers to do it!

Again, read more at www.games.crossfit.com. And sign up!

Write up by Eunice and Kermit


Workout #1) Work your way up to a 1 rep max back squat.

Workout #2) AMRAP

3 minute row (cal)
2 minute rest
3 minute Burpee
2 minute rest
3 minute rope climbs

2 minutes rest is an eternity for a crossfitter so you are expected to hit that 3 minute interval hard.

Assuming classes wil be more numerous than the 10 rowers we have some of you can start on the burpees or rope climbs. Rowing will be done in the corner where the rowers rest. Burpees will be done by the pre warm up board.

Leaderboard will be your 1rm Back Squat.

Workout by Sheppy :-)

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  • By squad 28 Jan 2013

    I signed up for the Open last year. I was intimidated and totally scared.

    But… it was the best $20 spent!

    I definitely did a few workouts I wouldn’t have, and I learned a lot about planning for a WOD and strategizing for my abilities.

    We should ALL do this.
    Plus, tickets to the Regionals were more than $20 anyway!!
    We can WIN!!!

  • By Nathalie 29 Jan 2013

    Hi – I’m just curious about how the validation for the Open workouts will go? I understand there is a judging course available online now for $10. It’s something I think I will take as I believe it’s something I could be better at.
    However, I’m not clear what the requirements are for judging at CFV – can you have anyone count reps/ judge you? I’m sure I could read more on the Games site, but just wondering if someone already knows this…
    Thanks! And definitely sign up for the Open – you’re going to be doing the workouts no matter what since I’m sure they’ll get programmed. Let’s go CFV!

    • By Afghan 29 Jan 2013

      From what they’ve posted so far, here is the judging situation.

      There is an online course available for $10, and it is suggested even if you are looking to improve your understanding of the movements. I’ll take it and post my thoughts.

      You do not need to take this course to judge open workouts according to Crossfit HQ requirements for the Open.

      Submission of results from the Open for each person will include the name of the person who judged them this year (NEW).

      You do need to take this course if you are the affiliate manager responsible for validating everyone’s Open workouts.

      Crossfit Vancouver has not decided how we will determine who can and cannot judge workouts, but we will provide more information at a later time.

      You do need to take this course if you are interested in judging at the regional competition.

      Cheers! Sign up! As the 8am class this morning learned, the magic happens in life outside of your comfort zone!

  • By Quin Jong Il 29 Jan 2013

    Waaaahhh ;'( I wish I was competing for you guys this year!!! :(

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