I know we all had a great holiday and gained a little around the midline, so this coming challenge couldn’t be better timed.
Many inches were lost last fall when 51 people made their way through the challenge with many successes.
The WLC starts Saturday Jan 17 & concludes March 14th. Please consider how much you can improve by that date? Who do you want to be on that finishing day. Irina and Johanna will sure tell you.
If you were at the very top of your health and well-being, what would you feel like? What would your family members and friends say about you? How much energy would you have? Those irritating skin conditions could be gone. The ugly bloating gone.
So fast-forward and paint yourself a picture: What do you look like on March 14th? A svelte Tbear would be sweet.
That’s what the Whole Life Challenge will do for you when you join the Madlab School of Fitness Team and make a commitment to replace a few bad lifestyle habits with good lifestyle habits. You can learn more about the Whole Life Challenge by watching a couple videos on the WLC website. To give you an idea here are the 7 daily habits.
Organize your life around the WLC 7 Daily Habits:
- Eat by the WLC rules you choose at 1 of 3 levels that is right for you. Make conscious choices that support your vision for a healthy lifestyle. Earn up to 5 points daily for nutrition.
- Exercise for at least 10 minutes each day. We recommend 3-5 “workouts” each week. The other days you’ll earn your points by being active. Ride your bike, surf, hike, even take an invigorating walk at sunset. This is your time to move daily. You earn 2 points for exercise.
- Stretch for at least 10 minutes each day. You earn 2 points for stretching.
- Water – One third of your body weight in oz. of water each day (20 ml per kg). You earn 1 point for water.
- Supplement with a dietary supplement that would make a difference for your body if you took it every day. You earn one point for your supplement.
- Live the WLC weekly lifestyle practice – things like sleep, meditate, & supporting others. You earn 1 point each day you complete the weekly lifestyle task.
- Reflect at the end of each day and check in with how it went and how you’re doing. No amount of numbers can paint the whole picture. Your daily reflection helps you see how the challenge is really going. You earn 1 point daily for your reflection.
The Whole Life Challenge is basically a game that challenges us to “try on” a whole life of health and fitness for eight weeks. As a team, we can win points and lose points (hopefully we’ll win more than we lose). And the prize is … Well, it’s who you are on March 17.
We will be kicking the challenge off this Saturday at 12 noon with a WOD and hip & waist measurement
To join our team: press here
Our Team’s name: Madlab School of Fitness
All the best,
Monday Classes:
Warm-up (10 minutes):
10/10/10 Good Mornings (feet straight, toes pointed out, toes pointed in)
15/15 Handcuff Press
20/20 John Waynes (Banded Side Steps)
20 Heavy Russian KB Swings
Strength: 15 minutes: Add 5-10 lb. from last week
Choose between
Front Squats – 5×3 @ 85% or Push Press – 5×3
Conditioning: 12 minute time cap
1000m row
50 thrusters (35 lbs/45 lbs)
30 pull-ups
Just signed up. Very Excited!!!!
Hey Kel,
Yup Send me an email and we will figure it out, that goes out for everyone
I'm excited the WLC challenge is back! I can't make it in this Saturday at noon. Any chance there's an alternate time to do the WOD and measurements?