Whole Life Challenge Results | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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Whole Life Challenge Results

Whole Life Challenge Results


Yay Bitches

I want to give a big shout out to everyone who did the January Whole Life Challenge! Congrats on your hard work!

We just completed 8 weeks of lifestyle change and yet again saw some fantastic results. The challenge for me is really about learning and understanding what works for my health and our crew. 

For some people this challenge was about dialling back in old habits that went astray over the festive season, for some it was needing to lose 10 pounds, others wanted to get stronger and then there were also the few who wanted to try something new that they have never done. 

I personally didn’t see as huge results this time as I did the first but I think it is because I was more stressed this time about cheating…….stress I have learnt does not help me! Here is the scene:

I can go all out and not cheat, stress about having that one glass of wine and see zero results OR I can make a commitment to having just one glass of wine without a second and then feel good about it and results happen. 

So for all of you there here are some words of advice – You don’t have to eat strict paleo, you have to do what makes you happy! So the next time your wondering about participating in the challenge, DO IT!  You learn a lot about your body and you can see the effects of certain foods and also lifestyle habits. And you will LOOK, FEEL and PERFORM better which is what makes it all count. 


“Do your best. Stop trying to make perfect choices – make great choices. Have fun. Stay as healthy as possible. Make changes on the fly based on how you feel AND what you want. Have your choices give you health AND life” 
-Michael Stanwyck, WLC


Overall Winner – Jocelyne!!!!! CONGRATS – You should be so proud! If you want some inspiration ask Jocelyne about her experience, I am truly inspired by her. 

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Monday’s Workout:
Reverse Lunge with Twist x 10 & Barbell Complex while the other half of the class rows 3 minutes then switch

Skill Practice:
Clean and Jerk (1,1,1,1,1,1)

AMPRAP in 8 minutes of:

20 Wall Ball Shots
5 Strict Pull-ups
30 Double-Unders


  • By Chest 23 Mar 2015

    Boom! 71%. Great work Aileen, so stoked for your progress. Nice work everyone else. Glad you said no to that chocolate cake Jocelyne.

  • By Mike F 23 Mar 2015

    That’s my girl ♥ ♥ ♥

  • By Nerdiebird 25 Mar 2015

    I know I am a few days late on this, but I want to encourage everyone to do the next challenge in May. On top of seeing incredible gains and serving as a great way to kick your ass into shape before summer, you will experience a whole new level of CFV community. Being part of the team, logging in every day, reading others’ comments and sharing a bit of myself– that was the best part of the challenge. I feel like the challenge brought me closer to madlabbers I didn’t know well, and helped me make a whole group of new madlab friends that I might never have met before.

    I really miss daily WLC check ins. :(

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