Happy St. Paddy’s Day and 15.3 Rant!
1. Remember to wear green tomorrow. And drink green beer. And whatever else it is people do on the green day.
2. The moment 15.3 was announced, my heart sank and it hasn’t resurfaced since. And I know I wasn’t the only one.
BUT, I believe that NOW is the time to get yourself moving in the direction of a muscle-up (as opposed to those of you who decided last week was the time). NOW is the time because you have 51 weeks to figure it out, as opposed to 14 minutes of dangling from the rings, praying you’ll make it through.
Andy had a good analogy the other day: He said, “You don’t not brush your teeth all year, make a dentist appointment and then say, ‘I better floss my teeth. I’m going to the dentist today.'” The same is true of muscle-ups. DON’T wait until the Open shows up. Start now!
If you’re interested in improving your pulling strength, and in figuring out the technical side of it so you can do muscle-ups not just when you’re fresh, but also when you’re fatigued, get on a muscle-up program. It will likely require some extra homework or time with your coach. Don’t be shy. Reach out. So in 51 weeks from now, you’ll be prepared!
Rant over.
15 Burpees followed by the Coaches Lunging Buffet of Movements
5 reps x 4 rounds Back Squats (50, 65,75,90,105,70%)
3 reps at 105%
Workout: “Split Stability”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes:
With Left arm:
4 dumbbell Power Snatch followed by
8 Alternating Lunges keeping dumbbell Overhead
then with Right arm:
4 Power Snatches followed by
8 OH DB Lunges
followed by:
12 Box Jumps (20/24)
100m Dash around the Run Fast Mark.
Repeat….and watch that 1st box jump after the lunges. T.
Suggested Loading
Men of BW greater than 185lbs – use 45 and 50lb dumbbell.
BW less than 185 – use 40lb dumbbells
Ladies less than 140 use 25lbs
Ladies over 140 use 30lb dumbbells
-scaling down – use single arm front rack w db
and here’s the turnaround point for the 100m dash….enjoy!
By cube 16 Mar 2015
whew. i thought you were talking about me for a minute. but i DO floss. whew. close call.
By Dexter 17 Mar 2015
Might be a bug with zenplanner…but I’ve recorded three different weights for my BS (5rep, 3rep + 8rep) but it’s showing up as the same weight for all three on the leaderboard (looks like the same for everyone else, too).
By Dashie 17 Mar 2015
Good Call Dexter, I will look into it