in other news –
First, a little bit of house keeping : we’re donating the contents of our Lost and Found this week.
So please take a look, and rescue any of the shirts or shorts you don’t want to part ways with, before the end of day Friday.
And in other news, from the planet Krypton:
Nobody likes a showoff.
Warm-up: 10 minutes
30 face pulls
10 push back push ups (push back into crouch position)
10 split jerks
10 split jerk stance shoulder press
10 behind the neck shoulder press
SKill: 25 minutes
6 x 3 Kipping HSPU (deficit if possible)
6 x 6 Pike Push-ups
6×3 Jerks
Conditioning: 12 min to perform
30 Wall Balls
15 Toes to Bar (v-sit)
30 Wall Balls
15 Toes to Bar
Max wall balls with remainder of time
Optional Finisher: 5 minutes: 200 Double Unders (2 push ups every time you mess up).
1 Comment:
By Squad 21 Jan 2015
I think Andy might have been like this as a child…….