05 Mar / 2015
Love is…
With the world up side down as it is these days all I can seemingly do is make my corner of it beautiful. It starts with my most common affirmation – “The world is full of loving and generous people”. I try to be inclusive to all peoples and enjoy celebrating our similarities and differences.
Imagine my delight when I watched this video that Miss Meagan McGuinness sent me – Diversity and Inclusion.
The Ad Council is the US’ leading producer of public service communications. They’ve been around since 1941. No matter your age, race, sexuality, religion, ability or disability we do share the greatest thing all in common.
One Love. For us all to share.
Have a great 15.2!!
The House of Shepherd
Friday’s Workout: Open 15.2
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds
Saturday’s Workout:
Warm Up:Coach Choice
Power Clean 3×3+1 Power Clean + Jerk
“The Chief”
3 Minutes on 1 Minute Rest for 5 Rounds (start where you finished)
3 Power Cleans
6 Pushups
9 Squats
By Dashie 06 Mar 2015
I apologize to the AM crew for the workout not being up. There was a back end issue with ZP.
It is up now and you can enter from the member connect link!
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04 Mar / 2015
Your brain on Beer vs Coffee
Ever get really stuck on how to start something? or sit around thinking for hours on where to go from here on a project? Well apparently we had the tools at the tips of our fingers. This quick and easy read might help you next time you’re stuck
Post to comments ideas on how to get through boring tasks. I like a gummy bear at the end of each paragraph when reading boring content… a little treat goes a long way.
Reminder: No drinking on the job. Just cause you get more creative after a few beers isn’t a legitimate excuses to tell you boss you’re drunk at work.
Warm Up:
Coach Choice
a) Handstand Practice – Mid Floor – use spotters
b) EMOM 5 min: 15secs on 15secs off Seated L-sit
Workout: “Candlepistolsnap!”
6 Rounds:
Roll to Candlestick (8-12 reps) – careful with neck
Pistols (8-12 reps alternating)
V-Snap (10-14 reps)
By Woodchuck 05 Mar 2015
Dashie…caffeinated beer exists I’ve never had it but there are few different kinds – just google it!
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03 Mar / 2015
Mental Toughness
What is it? How would you define it?
I remember being out on the wrestling mat and sizing up my opponent. The second they tried to act tough or intimidate me I was licking my lips. I knew he was thinking of being tough – Not staying off his back. So is focus on the task at hand mental toughness?
Dr Kristen Barnes is a Mental Performance Consultant for the Canadian Sport Institute. In her article “What is Mental Toughness?” she discusses a study done earlier this century by Professor Graham Jones (Jones et al., 2001 Journal of Applied Sports Psychology). He did one on one interviews and focus groups to dig into this question. What did he come up with?
Mental toughness is “Having the natural or developed psychological edge that enables you to cope better than your opponents in the many demands (training, competition and life) that are placed on you as an athlete, and be more consistent and better than your opponents by remaining determined, focused, confident and in control under pressure”.
Last time I tried to get into a 12 foot wave I was definitely not mentally tough.
Six key components or attributes crucial to sustaining high performance in sport were identified:
- Self-Belief
- Motivation
- Focus
- Handling Pressure
- Dealing with Physical and Emotional Pain
- Lifestyle
I quite liked this approach. Some real upstream strategies. If you want to know more please give the article a read here.
Thanks to Jenn Schutzirillo for sending me this info.
Wednesday’s Workout:
Warm Up: with partner
40 Medball Sit-up
40 Sprawl Balls
Strength: Alternate
A1. 4×4 Back Squat (back down day – sub maximal – work on technique/breathing/depth)
A2. 4×4 Shoulder Press (power clean from deck for these 4 presses) (60,75,90,100%)
Workout: “Chips Ahoy” – 25 min limit
70 Hollow Rocks
60 D-Ball Slams
50 Weighted Jumping Squats (45/35) – slightly off ground
40 Hand Release Push-ups – keep em tight – hands chest level
30 Glute-Ham Sit-ups (or 60 Situps)
20 Forward Rolls
10 Ring Muscle-Ups
**scale as needed – Example: 35,30, 25, 20, 15…..
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02 Mar / 2015
The 90+ Study
Want to live well into your 90’s? Over 100? Well you better start having fun!
The 90+ study has identified certain behaviours correlated with living healthy well into your later years.
It goes like this: Back in the early 80’s a survey was done in a retirement community that gathered data on people’s diet, activity level, vitamin intake, etc… As it turns out, all this information sat dormant on the shelf for years until mid last decade Dr Claudia Kawas saw an opportunity. This archived data on 14,000 + people was the equivalent of research gold. So they set out to find all the people in this study still alive – many of whom would be over 90.
While the primary aim of the study is to learn about Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia I was most interested in some of the other findings. For example:
- Smoking cigarettes kills you early (duh).
- Genes matter but they are not everything.
- Moderate alcohol intake (2 drinks/day – of any alcohol) reduces risk of death by 10-15%.
- 1-3 cups of coffee a day is better than more or none.
- Its better to be average or a little over weight when old.
- Watching what you eat is not correlated to longevity.
- Exercising 45 minutes a day is optimal. Doesn’t even have to be intense or all at once.
- Games, book clubs and activities are correlated with living longer.
- Taking vitamins (E,A,C and Calcium) are NOT correlated with longevity.
- Participants in the study say having lots of sex is one of their secrets to living long.
If I stand back and look at these findings I see a person who enjoyed life and definitely did not take themselves or life too seriously. Perhaps that is the secret to happiness and longevity.
Please give this video a watch. Part 2 of the coverage is where they discuss how the study is breaking ground in Alzheimer’s and Dementia research. Very interesting. This is a reality many of us have dealt with already or will in the future.
In memory of Leonard Nimoy’s passing over the weekend – Live Long and Prosper.
The House of Shepherd
Tuesday’s Workout:
Warm Up: Coach’s Choice
Strength and Technique:
A. Work up to a heavy Thruster
B. Every Minute On the Minute (7 min EMOM)
– 30 Sec Thrusters (50-60% of your heavy one)
– 30 Sec Rest
“Swing & Jump”
3 Rounds:
– 40 KB Swings* (Black/Red)
– 70 Double-Unders
*Tuesday’s Standard – a hybrid swing – Kettlebell must break top of shoulder plane with arms straight and wrists neutral.
By Alex 03 Mar 2015
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01 Mar / 2015
“NExt” Exercise boost energy during cancer treatment
One of my best friends from high school recently graduated from UBC with a degree in Human Kinetics. She is now working for an amazing program that prescribes exercise and good nutrition during cancer treatment. The program is funded by BC Cancer Society through various fundraising efforts, such as Workout to Conquer Cancer. I found it amazing to hear about the program, and the one on one attention that these patients receive through their treatment.
The Vancouver Sun recently published a story on the program, and they said that so far the woman unrolled in the program have seen an increase in fitness, strength and endurance as well as an increase in energy during their treatment. The article is attached below so you can take a look!
a beintot
Warm Up:
Coach Choice
A. 5×3 Deadlift
B. 4×5 Overhead Squat
B1. Practice (10-20) Overhead Reverse Lunges*
* Shoulder Girdle and Overhead position must be tight, use Snatch Grip.
In teams of Two for time:
Complete 6 rounds of:
- One athlete Rows 500 meters, while
- other athlete completes 12 Overhead Reverse Lunges (45/75)
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27 Feb / 2015
Surf Trip!
Did you know that we are coming up on our 10 year anniversary?
10 years!!!!
We have a few fun, entertaining, and family-friendly (no joke) events planned to celebrate.
It took Patty and the crew 10 years to get us here, and trust me, this party will last for a WHILE!
1st event: The Surf Trip
We all know that this community sets us up for a better life. We are fitter, healthier, happier, and more prepared for FUN than the average Joe. Plus, we MadLabbers are always up for something new…
Enter, the MadLab Surf Club.
This underground club has been around for years. Patty, the Pup, Sheppy, Reto, Dain, Surfo, Dopey, TBear, BK, CFP, Rhino, Arthur, Erkel, Bull… not to forget Squad, the Cube, Blewett, Dashie, Kermit, Jildo, Bus, Jaws, Mini-Pussy, Eunice, Casper, and a bunch of other awesome surfer-ladies. (sorry if I missed you)
This is a 3-night, 4-day Tofino Extravaganza
Patty has negotiated a sweet deal with Jaime’s Rainforest Inn, Long Beach Surf Shop, and Surf Sister Surf School. We have packages for Veteran Surfers (aka have their own gear) and Rookies (need gear, little to no clue how to surf).
You may have seen the posters, but we’ve tweaked the deal. Click through to our event details HERE.
3 nights at Jaime’s for $289 (per person, double occupancy)
Board, wetsuit & bootie rental, with a 2-hour surf lesson for $60
Entrance to the Saturday Night “Soul Surfer” Party at Jaime’s Lounge
Upgrades to King, Deluxe King, and Super Deluxe King rooms available
Pet-friendly rooms
Local child-minding and baby-sitting connections on request
**7% Early Bird Discount for bookings by March 13th**
Yes, this is the weekend AFTER May Long, and Yes, you’ll need to take the Friday off. But, there’ll be no traffic, and less people on the waves.
Come on… who’s in?
(Who’s responsible?)
Warm Up:
Coach Choice
a) 5×5 back squat
b) 6×2 power clean
3 Unbroken power cleans (185/125)
3 bar facing Burpees
6 unbroken power cleans (135/95)
6 bar facing burpees
9 unbroken power cleans (95/65)
9 bar facing burpees
Finish with 50 double unders for time
By Squad 28 Feb 2015
Good times are always found in Tofino.
Feel free to invite non-MadLab peeps!! Broaden the community. Share the love!
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26 Feb / 2015
Open Workout 15.1
Its that time of year again, The Open. I have chatted with lots of people about signing up, some have been persuaded some have not. All good either way. Although I believe the saying is “the more the merrier”.
The Open workout will be the class workout all day Friday so anyone wanting to give it a go is encouraged to come in and get it done.
If you are unable to attend or you are looking for a little more r&r before the workout I will be running a 1pm Open session Saturdays for the duration of the Open.
I would like the first heat to start at 1pm sharp. So people are encouraged to show up any time after noon to start warming up. Depending on what the workout is the heats will vary of course. I will post a heat schedule on the calendar at the gym and people will be able to sign up for a heat that works for them. Depending on the workout length there will likely be 3-5 heats.
I hope you guys all get a chance to do some of the workouts if not all.
If you are bored Saturday afternoon come on out and cheer on everyone who is throwing down.
Info tomorrow about the MadLab Surf Trip! Stay tuned!
*Make note if you are coming to class but doing the Open Saturday do all of the following minus the clean and jerk and the workout of course….
Open 15.1
20 face pulls
20 banded good mornings
2 min deadbug
12/12 single leg RDL
50 squats
Technique Work:
10 hollow rocks
12 tall muscle cleans
12 hang power cleans with slow pull
12 up and overs
12 tall muscle snatch
12 behind the neck push press
12 snatch balance
work up to about 75% of max clean and jerk
Workout: 15.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts (115 / 75 lb.)
5 snatches (115 / 75 lb.)
1-rep-max clean and jerk
6-minute time cap
2 min couch stretch
50 supine laying dislocates
4 min per side on ankles and calves
Notes (from games site)
These workouts begin with the athlete standing under their pull-up bar with the barbell loaded to the appropriate weight. After 15 toes-to-bars (sit-ups or hanging knee raises for scaled divisions) are completed the athlete will move to the barbell to perform 10 deadlifts followed by 5 snatches. After the last snatch is completed the athlete will move back to the pull-up bar and start their next round.
Your score for Workout 15.1 will be the total number of repetitions completed.
As soon as the clock reaches 9 minutes and Workout 15.1 is complete, Workout 15.1a will begin with the same running clock. The athlete will have from 9:00 to 15:00 to complete Workout 15.1a.
The same barbell must be used for both 15.1 and 15.1a. The athlete must load their own barbell and may not receive assis- tance. Prior to each lift you must state what weight you are about to attempt. Plates smaller than 1⁄2 lb. may not be used. There is no limit to the number of attempts within the 6-minute time limit.
Your score for Workout 15.1a will be the weight (in pounds) that you successfully clean and jerk.
Should the athlete choose to redo the workout, you must withdraw your scores for both 15.1 and 15.1a and resubmit both scores from the second attempt. You may not use your score from your first attempt at 15.1 and your score from your second attempt at 15.1a or vice versa.
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25 Feb / 2015
Summing up the Girard OLY Seminar
This past weekend we had Olympic Bronze Medalist, Christine Girard on hand for a 6-hour Olympic Lifting Seminar. Yes, 6 HOURS. We had Christine, her husband and coach Walter, and one of her coaches at Kilophile, Joel. (and a little bonus coach, Phillip, her 4 month old son)
10 of us MadLabbers joined in the fun, and here were some of the highlights:
1. Immediate feedback
2. Great & brutally honest coaching
3. Time spent on specific lifts, and small details
4. Cues that will make each lift easier…. forever
5. PB’s Galore!
I asked everyone if we could have made it better. The answers were simply, MORE. More seminars, more time, more world-class athletes and coaches to host educational sessions.
I also asked if they would recommend it to others. The consensus was a resounding YES!
My favorite quote:
“Not sure what to say, other than I loved it!!
Highlight: She’s an Olympian. Anyone who doesn’t think they can benefit from her knowledge is a dumbass. Even if it is just a one day clinic. I can’t believe people passed up this opportunity. It was $$$ well spent.
Recommend: 100%”
Ya… that girl can lift. (100KG = 220LBS) Her C&J record in competition is 136KG (299LBS) and snatch is 107KG (235LBS). But not only that, she’s been training since she was 11yrs old, and she can coach like a Mother-F@cker!
I know 6 hours on a Sunday isn’t optimal for everyone. Nothing ever is. Post to comments what scenario would make you sign up, or what type of specialty program you would pay to attend.
I wanna see who’d put their money where their mouth is…
Warm Up:
20 floor angels
12/12 laying windmill
12 push back push ups
12 squat to stand
a) 4×5 Shoulder Press (working up to a 60%x5, 70%,85%,95%)
b) Muscle Up Drills
Cycle through 5 rounds of:
12 laying transitions
20 hollow rocks
10 weighted sit ups
8 scap push ups
…….& Welcome Bogdan (a badass carpenter) to classes….
By Adam 26 Feb 2015
Sign me up for the next one! Id be into paying more and stretching it over a few weekends. But if a single day is all, I’m in for the next
By Kimmy 26 Feb 2015
I would pay for you to babysit my kids. If you threw in some fitness in there I would consider that a bonus.
By Wendy 26 Feb 2015
Cube is getting her panties in a knot for fear of getting slapped around by an orangutan.
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24 Feb / 2015
What the F** is a Microbiome?
Most everyone has heard about the extensive information that can be gleaned from the human genome. Commercial DNA testing now allows individuals to easily get results about their genetic profile through companies like 23andMe. While these tests sequence genetic material from our own cells, there are trillions of other cells in and on our body that are integral to its function, including bacteria, fungi, and (bacteria-like) archaea. In fact, for every human cell in our body, we have about 10 microbial cells.
These microorganisms comprise what has been termed our “microbiome,” and although research is still in its early stages, it appears that the composition our microbiome may be just as important and telling as what’s written our own DNA – and even more unique. The NIH’s Human Microbiome Project found that, in contrast to our genetic profiles, which are about 99% the same, our microbial profiles are usually only about 50% identical. Our profiles are dictated by genetics, diet, early life events, and other aspects of our physical environment and experiences.
So what role do our bugs play?
Our microbes are vital for digestion, the synthesis of essential vitamins and nutrients (e.g. Vitamin K), crowding out or warding off pathogens (disease causing microorganisms), and training the developing immune system to distinguish between harmful and innocuous substances.
Crucially, they may also dictate if and when we get sick – healthy humans don’t typically carry bad pathogens in their microbiome, but there are opportunistic bugs living in balance in our systems that can cause illness when immunity is low or when things get out of whack. Research suggests that our microbiome plays a role in autoimmune conditions such as Irritable Bowel disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma, as well as in tooth decay, and possibly even obesity and mental illnesses. With a growing understanding of how these processes work, we may one day be able to treat many illnesses by adjusting microbial balance.
If you’re curious about your own microbiome, uBiome can sequence it and compare you to others. As the research grows, you just might want a snapshot of how your bugs stack up.
There’s a few cool TED talks on this….this is a good introductory one….listen for POO-Tea.
Baby Nat
Warm Up:
(Two Rounds)
20/20 Banded Shoulder Press
30 Face pulls
Handstand hold (accumulate 1 min)
5 Minute EMOM 40sec Glute Bridge & 20sec Rest
a) Power Clean 3×3+1 + Jerk
b) Max L-sit – Three Rounds on parrelets, boxes or ground *(sub for hollow rocks if L’s were done day yesterday)
Workout: “Sprint it”
40 Wallballs (20/14)
20 TTB
30 Wallballs
15 TTB
20 Wallballs
10 TTB
*(Consider Toes to Rings and V-snaps for TTB Progression)
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23 Feb / 2015
Back Squat Day 3 (5-3-8)
I read this article back in the day by Nick English and I came to the gym saying that “friends don’t let friends squat short” as I wandered around the floor. I’d like to update and clarify.
Should we go deep? Depends, right.
First off, the squat is a beautiful and effective movement – It engages the entire lower half of the body, the hips, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves, while also hitting your core, shoulders, and back. It requires significant muscular coordination throughout the entire body (that’s why we are all getting better at it, including me) and it’s a great muscle builder while helping us burn fat because of it’s high metabolic demand.
So how low should you go?
The perfect squat is a deep squat. Think about all those goblet squats we’ve done over the past 2 years. The hip crease can go all the way past the knees, they recruit more muscles, elicit better CNS response, and give us a nice strong butt. But it’s more complicated than we all think – without a strong neutral core(spine), good shoulder placement and mobility, an engaged back, and high mobility and stability around many of your joints, your potential strength gains lessen while potential injury could arise.
Squatting deep is not bad for the knees – this study (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11390050) found there is no difference between partial(70 degrees), parallel, and deep squats(110 degrees) in terms of the impact on the front knee joint.
The article goes on to say
“…deep squats might actually increase knee stability. Most of the connective tissue in the knee is made up of two ligaments: The anterior and posterior cruciate ligament, also known as the ACL and the PCL. Studies show the forces inside the ACL and PCL decrease the more the knee is bent, meaning the deeper you squat, the less pressure there is inside the knees. It’s also a better way to get stronger. In fact, research has shown that parallel squats with heavy weights are less effective at increasing strength than deep squats with a lighter weight.
Not only is squatting deep safe and effective, but it’s a one-way ticket to a nice, strong booty: Studies show the gluteus maximus is over 25 percent more engaged during deep squats than when squatting parallel.
So long as there’s no history of injuries, “ass to grass” is the way to go. However, if you do have knee issues and mobility issues (butt wink), there’s nothing wrong with parallel squats.
- Concentrate on mobility.
“Mobility” is a word that gets thrown around a lot, but what does it mean in the context of lifting weights? Physical therapist expert Dr. Mike Reinold defines it as the body’s ability to perform a task without compensation. Ever tried a bicep curl with a weight that’s a little too heavy and found your hips and back bending and swinging? That’s the body compensating for a lack of strength, bless its heart. But when form goes down the drain in an attempt to lift a lot of weight, the body is at greater risk for injury. That’s especially true when it comes to squats.
There’s a huge range of issues that might contribute to poor mobility, but he emphasizes the importance of flexible ankles, hip flexors, and knees. If any part of the squatting motion feels tight, but doesn’t cause any pain, there’s nothing wrong with trying to improve mobility on your own:
“Try lying on your back, bending your legs, and going through a squatting motion. If there’s tightness in a muscle group that keeps the movement from being executed perfectly, that can often be fixed with the right stretches, massage, or a self-myofascial release technique like foam rolling or using a trigger point ball.”
- Engage your muscles.
After a full body warm-up that includes dynamic stretches, it’s important to remember to engage your muscles as the squat is performed. The heavier the weight, the more important it is that the abs, shoulders, and upper back stay engaged, creating a stable base for the weight. Flex the thighs, squeeze the butt, tense the stomach, and, in the case of back squats, activate the upper back by pulling down on the bar. This helps stabilize the body and keep the body from compensating by making sure that all the right muscles are doing their part.
The Takeaway
Some people will naturally have better mobility and stability than others. That’s why there’s no one size fits all approach to strength training, and why for some of us, deep squats aren’t on the table. Nonetheless, they’re worth aiming for: Deep squats are an incredibly valuable tool to build strength and lose body fat, and the steps we’ve outlined are holistic—better mobility, posture, strength and flexibility will benefit every aspect of your fitness.”
Now, go improve your squat and get prepared to go deep. If you have time check out additional reading at schwarzenegger.com on Hacking Your Squat .
Warm Up:
Two Rounds
2 lengths of Samson Lunge
20 Russian Swings
5 Goblet Squats (w 10 sec hold in hole)
10/10 KB Rows
Strength: Back Squat – Day 3 (is a push day) – this will repeat every 3 squat days
5×4 Back Squats @ 60,70,80,90%
3 RepMax (@20+lbs/10+lbs on top of your last 90% 5RM)
1×8@80% of 3RM
Workout: “Upside Down from .com”
For Time Complete (20 min max)
8 to 1 L-Pull-up’s*
1 to 8 HSPU’sAlternating the exercises down in reps (8,7,6…to 1) from L-Pull-ups*
and up for HSPU’s (1,2,3,….to 8)
POST Progressions in the notes section of workout tracking.
*(L-Pull Up progression = 1 Strict Pullup and 5sec Seated Static Floor L-Sit/leg raise hold) …so I guess some will have 36 reps of 5 secs (overall 3min of floor L). You can sub 2 or 3 reps at a time if you wish rather than going back and forth.
By Cube 24 Feb 2015
doing some spring cleaning. Free: 1 pair of dona jo pants with the madlab logo. Blue with a black stripe. Barely used. Just doesn’t fit right on me. let me know if anyone wants it.
By Shelley 05 Mar 2015
Chris (aka Sheppy) keeps me warm