As you all know this is the time of year that the GERMS start to invade! Its time for you to take the steps to fighting the Cold/Flu Season and also to help stop spreading it through the school.
I know we some times just want to sweat it out and get a workout in as it can make us feel so much better but the flip side to that is putting others at risk.
So we please ask if you are sick Stay at Home!
It may not be easy to take a sick day. But if you have a cold or flu, you should. If you push yourself when you’re sick and work instead of rest, your body may have a harder time fighting off the virus. Your cold could last longer. You could also spread the virus to other people.
So when you’re sick, stay home, rest, and recover. It’s better for you and everyone around you.
Now for some remedies to help you this cold and flu season:
2. Drink plenty of liquids (Try warm water with lemon, herbal teas)
3. Take Oil of Oregano
4. Wash your hands and cover your nose and mouth with sneezing and coughing
5. Gargle Salt Water and/or Take soothing lozenges for sore throats and coughs
6. Get a Flu Vaccine
7. See a Doctor/Naturopath
8. Now my favourite. Enjoy a Good Ole Hot Toddy (Whiskey, Boiling Water, Honey, Lemon and Spices(nutmeg/cloves)
Please note these are just some of my ideas, please share your best advice in the comments
Stay Healthy
Monday Workout:
W/U: Dowel work
Tech: Snatch
A – Heaving snatch balance 5, 5, 5
B – Squat Snatch 3,3,3
12 min AMRAP
5 Snatch ( 135/95 lbs)
1 Rope Climb
-Start at :30
Warm down:
Shoulders and Lower Back
Coaching Points: One of the most common misses in going overhead is not getting under the bar. Keep those hips moving! Quick Hip!!
Front Squat extravaganza is Thursday this week.
Garlic, ginger and green onion run through a bodem press with hot water, works every time :-)