Charlie Palmer “Jailbird”: Coach | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
 | (604) 253-1261

Charlie Palmer “Jailbird”: Coach

Charlie Palmer “Jailbird”: Coach

Charlie Palmer’s life changed dramatically when he found CrossFit Vancouver in June 2006. “My life pretty much went from a C-to an A once I started CrossFitting,” said Charlie.

Life before CrossFit was chaotic for the passionate Palmer. He held many different jobs, from truck driving and moving furniture to the film industry, where he worked in both the lighting and production side of the industry. “I was a heavy drinker and smoker at the time too. I knew it was just a matter of time before I needed to change my lifestyle,” said Charlie.

Change his lifestyle, he did. Within a year of being reacquainted with his childhood friend, CrossFit Vancouver owner Craig Patterson, (Charlie grew up down the street from Patty in Gaspe, Quebec), Charlie jumped on board with the CrossFit Vancouver crew. He left his job in the summer of 2007, earned his CrossFit Level I certification, and started coaching CrossFit.

Since then, Charlie has extended himself deeper into the community. On top of his gig at CrossFit Vancouver, Charlie also volunteers his time with inner-city school children, teaching them the principles of CrossFit. His current lifestyle, of course, also gives him the needed freedom to pursue his other passions, like music (Charlie is an impressive singer and guitarist), skateboarding, BMX biking, and snowboarding.

And here at CrossFit Vancouver, Charlie’s late night classes have taken on a momentum of their own. It’s not entirely clear what happens in the gym during Charlie Palmer’s ‘after hour’ sessions, but it’s clear that his people are loving every minute of it. Charlie’s gang has learned a thing or two from their master about loyalty; his clients are easily the most committed and loyal group of CrossFitters in our community. It’s very normal for 25 people to show up to Charlie’s 8 pm classes. Stroll around at 10 pm, and sometimes they’re still there.

“I love the people here. Everyone strives for bettering their lives. Everyone here takes care of themselves. We love and support one another no matter where we are coming from even if you are born cross, ” said Charlie.

-CrossFit Level 1 Certified
-Running/ Endurance Certified
-Olympic Weightlifting Certified
-Gymnastics Certified

-Catalyst Athletics Weightlifting/ Performance clinic with Greg Everett
-Olympic Weightlifting Systems with Charles Staley


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