26 Mar 2013
Egg Shell Calcium
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body.
Obviously, its important for strong bones and teeth. But its also essential for muscular contraction. It helps regulate your heartbeat. Its needed for efficient nerve transmission. It aids in cell division and blood clotting. It can help down regulate adrenalin. And if taken before bed, calcium can help with a restful sleep.
In order to maximize calcium absorption you’ll need to consume adequate amounts of Vitamin A and C, Vitamin D, magnesium, protein and fat.
But I’m a level 5 Paleo Grand Wizard, you say, and I don’t eat dairy. How can I get enough calcium to perform and recover like a champ?
Bone broth is an option, but you can also find really high levels of bio-available calcium in eggshells (along with trace amounts of a whole bunch of other minerals).
Check out this video, and the recipe below from EastWest Healing and Performance
12 large eggshells-organic, free-range, pastured raised.
How to:
1. Rinse the eggshells with water to remove any membrane that may be left in the shells.
2. Place the eggshells in a large pot and cover with water, bring to a quick boil , remove from heat and strain.
3. Place them on a cookie sheet and into a 250 F degree oven for 10 minutes until dry, but not brown.
4. Place dried eggshells in a coffee grinder or a Vitamix and pulse several times to a fine powder.
5. Store powdered eggshells in a covered glass jar or container, and keep it in a dry place, like the kitchen cupboard.
6. You can make calcium citrate by adding a few drops of lemon juice to 1 tsp. of eggshell powder in a bowl and let it stand in room temperature for 6 hours or more, but never longer than 12 hours since it will go bad. This helps break the shells down even further.
1 tsp= 700-800 mg. (some authors say 1000-1200) absorbable calcium.
Best way to get it down, is to shovel 1/3 of a teaspoon into your mouth and quickly follow with a cup of water. It tastes like sand. 1, 2 or 3 times a day.
Wednesday’s Technique
- Goose Neck Pull-ups
- Chest to Bar Pull-ups (CTB Pull-ups – focus on range of motion)
- Thrusters (5,3,1,1,1,1)
Workout – “Fran Re Awakened”
Complete the workout with a partner – 1 person working at a time. 7 Work Intervals of 2 minutes will be followed by 1 min of rest for a 20 minute time cap.
75 pound Thruster, 21 reps
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
95 pound Thruster, 18 reps
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
115 pound Thruster, 15 reps
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
135 pound Thruster, 12 reps
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
155 pound Thruster, 9 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
175 pound Thruster, 6 reps
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
195 pound Thruster, 3 reps
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups
(Ladies – 55,65,75,85,95,105, 115)
Post WOD
Foam Roll (myofascial release), read about rolfing, and smash your tight meaty muscle tissue with a lacrosse ball or barbbell.
Get ready for the Open 10.4 workout.
It may have some of the moves above (hinting that Graham Holmberg will take on Chris Spealler in a showdown on dot.com reaks of a Double Fran or WOD derivative) or potentially none….so we’ll be ready to adjust the Thursdays & Friday WOD’s accordingly. Try the sponges on the pull-ups (don’t knock em till you try em) and STOP the big pull-ups if you feel your hands and calluses giving up.
Clean and Jerks could be substituted today for those that went rogue Monday – chat with a coach if your hands and legs are messed.
23 Mar 2013
Make Up Day and 13.3 Redo
Today is make up day! If you missed a workout earlier in the week, give it a go. Or if your legs are healed up enough and you want another go at those 150 wall balls then give 13.3 a second shot. The warm-up will be the coach’s choice.
Also, a quick reminder: the 10am class will be at 9am, the afternoon class will be the same.
Have a great Sunday everyone!
22 Mar 2013
Gorilla's are Tough Vegans
Warm-up – “10 minutes of getting warm and happy!!”
16 Hollow Rocks
8 Push Press (30-50% of 1RM)
8 Thighs2Bar (or progression)
16 Pull-ups
( 3 Rounds for Quality )
Then let’s dove tail in to next months programming (we will retest at the end of next month)
1 Rep Max Snatch +
1 Rep Max Shoulder Press =
Your Total Gorilla.
Post your score in how many bananas (1 banana = 1 lb ) that you can get overhead with the 2 movements.
21 Mar 2013
Friday Squat Day
Well I hope your legs aren’t too battered from yesterdays 13.3 Games WoD because today is Squat Day!!
And why is it squat day after such a brutal leg workout yesterday you ask??? Cause squats make you better in bed silly!
Your Warmup (3 rounds):
20 Glute Bridges (Hip Raises)
20 Mountain Climbers (Alternating)
20 Drop Squats
Re: The Chad Wesley Smith Way – He is the founder and head physical preparation coach at Juggernaut Training Systems. Chad has a diverse athletic background, winning two national championships in the shot put, setting the American Record in the squat (905 in the 308 class, raw w/ wraps) and most recently, winning the 2012 North American Strongman championship, where he earned his pro card. In addition to his athletic exploits, Chad has helped over 50 athletes earn Division 1 athletic scholarships since 2009 and worked with many NFL Players and Olympians. Chad is the author of The Juggernaut Method and The Juggernaut Method 2.0.
Technique & Workout
Perform a few sets of box jumps with just your bodyweight at first and then with some lighter dumbbells to get a feel for jumping with a pair of dumbbells in your hands. Make sure to focus on keeping your shoulder blades tight, your chest proud and your arms loose.
Then hit 5 sets of 2 reps with some heavier dumbbells. Guys I’d suggest trying something between 25-40lbs. Ladies, stick to something between 5-20lbs.
After you’ve completed your box jumps, warm up with some light back squats and then hit 3 solid sets of 3.
Once you’ve completed your 3 heavy sets of triples strip down the bar and hit a few sets of speed squats, focusing on driving out of the hole with speed and control. Perform 6 sets of speed squats doing 4 reps per set at approx. 60% of your 1RM.
If you manage to get through all that, see how many sets you can through of weighted sit-ups, 15 reps each set for a maximum of 5 sets.
A. Weighted Box Jumps 5 x 2
B. Back Squats 3 x 3
C. Speed Squats 6 x 4
D. Weighted Sit-Ups 5 x 15
Be diligent and work through as much as possible with-in the class time.
The 4,5 & 6pm Classes – A few Games Athletes will need to complete this 13.3 during this time. Instructors and Apprentices will allow this today as The Executive Diploma Program will carry on throughout Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Thanks and Happy Friday!
20 Mar 2013
CrossFit Games Open Workout 13.3

Here We Go… Open WoD 13.3!
The Open is entering week #3 and it’s gonna be another barn burner!!
Check out MobilityWOD for some great warm-up exercises for your shoulders, hips and ankles. Go and watch the highlights of the head to head battle between Kristan Clever and Talayna Fortunato on the Reebok Games website and ask your coach if they have any helpful tips before you take on 13.3.
Good luck, have fun and see you on the other side! Bill
Your Warmup (6min): Goblet Squat mixed in with some “john wayne’s”
Tabata Mash for 6 mins – 20 sec work and 10 seconds rest for 6 rounds of each should suffice.
Technique & Strategy Session (10min): Go over:
- Wallballs and breathing ideas during reps
- double-unders
- muscle-ups
Try and better your movements. Think and move on better lines and you’ll most likely get rewarded.
I’ve tried varying the width of my stance on wallballs to some success. Go wide for 10 reps and then back to normal for the next set. Try it.
Be prepared to not double-under like you usually do.
150 wallballs have a certain effect, and one we don’t practice often. Sjit@!@
If your a beast ( even a sick Poker will return. Rest up. Get better then wod ) like a good dozen of our athletes, control your breathing, hit some muscle-ups with better form…..try some singles, doubles or 3’s to start. (manage your work and rest efficiently for the time remaining – it’ll be 10 secs to 6 minutes for the best of you to get through 30 muscle-ups at heart rate of 150plus.
Lumber – got 11 more muscle-ups than last year. He stayed calm and pretty much rested perfectly on Wednesday night. He doesn’t need to do it again unless he wants to – wait till Saturday or Sunday – K?
Personally, I told Lumber that I’ll do it backwards because performing some harder upper body dominant movement out front would be way better for me. I feel slighted because I’m short and relatively tiny compared to a 6ft2 wallballer. Anyway – It’s not MADLab – It’s the CrossFit Open. I’m sure Castro and the games programming team will modify future Open WODs to something more balanced for the above average 5ft8person someday (probably won’t happen till the 2018 Games) ….but why not put something like:
3 rounds of 75 Wallballs, 50 DU’s and 15 Muscle-ups ou there?
That – I would watch on ESPN.
Thursday Classes – Schedule 2 Heats of the 13.3 Open
For 12 minutes complete as many reps of:
-150 Wallballs (20/14) – 9foot target for the ladies
-90 Double-Unders
-30 Muscle-Ups then repeat starting with wallballs again if time allows.
I apologize and I do bitch and rant at times (funny because I get more sleep these days) – but a little blogging is therapeutic ) – Ye[[oW
19 Mar 2013
Why Oh Why Do We Do It?
Ever wonder why we keep coming back for more at The School of Fitness? What is it that makes us bond with those we work out with? Crossfit founder Greg Glassman explains in this video:
That’s (at least part of) what keeps us coming back. And each of you is an important part in this dynamic. No matter where you are on a Crossfit skill level you inspire and bond with those around you every time you walk through the door. Thanks.
Lesson Plan for Wednesday, March 20th:
Using the bands – distract and warm-up your joints, muscles and itsiebitsies for 10 minutes.
Try some of those great mobility specific ideas on the 5 MobilityWOD Posters spread around the small poolside of the school.
- HSPU (Handstand Pushups) and a variety of progressions
- DU’s (Double-unders – will they be in the next WOD = I think so….(think burpees, then box jumps, and now mountain climbers?? Prob not )
- WallBall – breathing and stance variance
Workout: In partners, alternating every round, complete AM(Quality)RAP in 20min of :
10 HandStand Push-Ups
20 Wall Balls (switch it up and do a different ball weight)
30 Double-Unders
T’s Crew (Minus Chesty for 2 weeks – R we going survive? – Most Definitely – Tom Beers is here)
18 Mar 2013
The Man Test
Or woman test! The overhead squat challenges us all.
The overhead squat is a demanding whole-body exercise. It builds and requires both strength and flexibility in the shoulders and hips as well as a great amount of core stability. It improves balance, strength, flexibility and coordination. In Dan John’s words, it “makes the body one piece”.
It requires such a balance of mobility, stability and strength K Star uses a variation of it for his Leopard test. If your movement is limited in some way the overhead squat is going to expose your weakness. Can you pass?
– Overhead Mobility, Wall Pose, Couch Stretch and all other things to get you ready for Overhead Squats.
– Overhead Squats (5,5,5,5,5)
If your flexibility is compromised – try Windmills instead for the technique and workout.
Workout “The 100 Rep Pimp“
Complete 100 Overheads Squats (115/75) in the least number of rounds possible (don’t use a weight heavier than 60% of your 1RM OHS)
- Every time you drop the weights complete 25 abmat sit-ups or 12 GHSU.
- Time Cap is 25 minutes
- Mobilize if you finish early
17 Mar 2013
Saint Paddy's Day Recovery
Everyone knows the best St. Paddy’s Day hangover cure is flipping tires and running, right? Some swear by a post binge workout to reset their body and mind and others say a workout could do more harm than good.
The truth is likely somewhere in between. Exercise can help stimulate the release of endorphins, resulting in a better mood and a better state of mind as you recover from your hangover. But, much like when there is too much of any kind stress in your life, going too hard can be detrimental to your recovery. The precise verdict is still yet to be determined on the subject.
How do you come back after a great night out?
Warm-up and Technique
– Tire Flips (65lbs up to 610lbs)
– Running a mile
Take 10 minutes and try some different tire lifting, find a couple equally strengthed partners and try a sumo setup tire flip by yourself. You can then jump to the middle and jump out and rotate 180 degrees to tire flip again.
Mini Team Warm-up (in teams of 2 to 4)
Individually flip tire and jump twice through for 3 reps.
See how many rounds of 3 reps and 6 jumps your team can get in 10 minutes and then together run the 1 mile to complete the warmup.
Monday Workout:
Complete on your own.
14 Minute AMRAP:
3 Ring Dips
6 Pull-ups
9 Air Squats.
Enjoy. TBear and Team
All right, folks, the Nutts Cup Qualifying workouts are…….
Remember, your two man, one woman team’s scores from all three of these workouts will make up 50% of qualification for Nutts Cup. The other 50% will be based on your fundraising efforts. Top 30 teams after both components are assessed will compete at Nutts Cup, 2013. See HERE for more details.
1). Worldwide Open Competition workout 13.3 (to be announced on the GAMES site next Wednesday)
2). Worldwide Open Competition workout 13.4
3). Nutts Hero Workout – as a team (the version from the FINAL workout at Nutts Cup 2012).
Nutts WOD 2012 was (with your two man, one woman team):
One person working at a time:
50 Hand Stand Push Ups
50 Deadlift (275/175lbs)
50 Box Jump (30/24”)
100 Pull Up
200 WallBall (20/14 lbs)
300 Double Unders
400 meter run with a 45 lb. plate (one person only runs)
So here’s what you need to know:
Most of you are probably doing the Open competition anyway, so you can just submit your scores (your individual scores for all three team members) from 13.3 and 13.4 to us. The Nutts workout you’ll have to do together as a team. We’re hoping this will make your lives easy if you are on teams where people train at different gyms – you’ll only have to get together once.
Submit your scores to Emily at punky@crossfit.ca by May 31st. LOTS of TIME!
Have fun!
Saturday: 30min AMRAP
Partner A – 400m Run
Partner B – 18 Hollow Rocks
Partner C – 12 Dumbbell Thrusters 45/20
Each partner starts at one of three stations and can not rotate stations until all partners have completed their allotted work.
Grind away…
T-Bear and his minions
13 Mar 2013
13.2 Games Workout
I’ve know Sean for almost 3 years now. He is a good apprentice, athlete and a overall great human being with a lot of life experience under his belt. When I asked him to share some words on his Crossfit experience so far this is what he had to say: -Charlie
“I was thinking of my time spent so far at CrossFit Vancouver and
the first thing that really stuck out for me was the attitude around
the gym –it is really excellent. Having come from being the little guy
pumping weights at your average globo gym the change in atmosphere
was very refreshing. It’s always supportive and constructive with a
competitive edge that gets things done. The perfect way to facilitate
growth and development without all the BS and elitism that so often
goes with fitness communities. So when Charlie and crew set up the Mad
Lab Youth Warriors program that gets youth at risk into the gym for a
tough ass workout and the occasional discussion about life, I couldn’t
think of a better facility to host it at. It’s a great way to get kids
out of less than favourable environments and into a safe place where
they can learn some healthy choices and make some good decisions for
once! The MLYW program is just starting to get off the ground
through various fundraisers like the Nutts Cup and also just the
general support of the community. So all in all thanks for the
positive vibes and keep it up!” -Sean
Thursday Lesson Plan
Then get on to the:
shoulder to overhead and deadlift tech.
Review 13.2 WOD movements and find a counter/coach and review your strategy with them.
Think about a few things
- Consider using the push jerk with the sneak under technique – keep feet planted in a shoulder width position – heart rate is more controlled
- Clean Deadlifts – Keep neutral back, shoulders and head – touch bar down – I’ll bias the mid to back side of foot (maybe save my quads for the BJ’s). I’ll try to utilize more of my posterior chain and find max tension (push the knees slightly out) when touch and going near the ground.
- Box jumps – land with chest up, head neutral and feet flat – Think where you might be in a 1/4 squat. Use your arms and create a little more easily achievable height. Land softly on the box and step down(newbs) while others could choose to spring right back up. Watch a video of Calgary’s Brett Marshall (best box jumper I’ve seen).
WORKOUT – CrossFit Open 2013.2
MEN – includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
115 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
115 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 24″ box
WOMEN – includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
75 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
75 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 20″ box
MASTERS MEN – includes Masters Men 55+
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
95 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
95 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 20″ box
MASTERS WOMEN – includes Masters Women 55+
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
55 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
55 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 20″ box
- Shoulders to Overhead Each rep begins with the barbell on the shoulders and finishes with the weight fully locked out overhead and over the middle of the body.
- A shoulder press, push press, push jerk or split jerk may be used, as long as the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees are fully extended, and the bar finishes directly over the body with the feet in line. Each round, the barbell must begin on the ground. Using a rack is not permitted
- Deadlift – This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees. Sumo-deadlifts are not allowed.
– Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. - Box Jumps – Every rep must begin with both feet on the floor. The rep finishes with the hips and knees fully open while in control on top of the box.
- You may jump or step up or down as long as both feet start on the ground and both feet end on the box in control.
This workout begins from a standing position and with the barbell on the ground, loaded to the appropriate weight. For the Shoulder to overhead to count, the barbell will move from the shoulders to the overhead position with the knees, hips and shoulders extended in one line. After the 5 reps, they will use the same barbell to perform the Deadlift. After 10 Deadlifts they will move to the box. The athlete will start with two feet on the ground and come to a standing position with knees and hips locked out on top of the box. Two-foot jumps, one-foot jumps and step-ups are all permitted.
Every rep counts in this workout. Credit will be given for partially completed rounds.