The muscle-up.  It’s one of those “separator” movements in Crossfit.  Some have it already and many more aren’t quite there yet.  Well today’s the day to make a plan to break on through to the other side.

The Challenge:

Every day for 30 days you put in progressively more volume towards getting a muscle up.  We’re going to work with two movements.  The knuckles-to-nipples ring pull ups (KtNRPU) we did on Monday and deep ring dips (DRD).  Here’s what a sample program would look like.

Day 1:  5 KtNRPU, 5 DRD
Day 2:  6 KtNRPU, 6 DRD

Day 30:  34 KtNRPU, 34 DRD

These don’t all have to be done at one time.  Do a few in your warm-up.  Throw a few more in during you tech session in class.  Do a few more after your WOD.  There’s no limit to the number of sets you can take to get it done, just get it done.  Every day.

Now, 5 might be too low of a starting point for you or too high.  No big deal.  Even if you just start at one of each you’ll end up doing 930 reps by the time the challenge is up.

All that’s left after that is working on the transition.  Coaches will give you some good pointers on that during today’s tech session.

Who’s in?

Wednesday’s Lesson Plan:


3 times through the following
1 length samson lunges
15 kettle bell swings
accumulate 20 secs in an L-sit hold (either on rings or parallettes)
accumulate 20 secs in a handstand hold (or piked variation)


Muscle-up Progressions
If your muscle-ups are already great go ahead and work up to some high box jumps.


For Time: 10-8-6-4-2
Box Jumps (30″/24″)


  1. I think this is a good idea even if you do have muscle ups! I'll give it a go!

    By Richy October 3, 2012
  2. Awesome idea Gents!

    Sheppy loves it!

    By Shep October 3, 2012

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