14 Apr 2014
Ass Face & Other Anti-Aging Tricks
‘Ass Face’ — a term I made up to harass my older sisters as they used Preparation H on their faces to help with wrinkles and puffy eyes
Yup, Prep H. On the face. That stuff smells like old fish. I suspect from the shark cartilage in there. Good for reducing swelling on the skin… bad for encouraging make-out sessions! (If you’re considering this trick… read THIS first.)
I’ve recently found a new ‘natural’ beauty product that has inspired some questions….
Picture this:

Lovely Cream
Which is a strange texture and smell combination of these: (no joke)

Jet Puffed

Swamp water
Mmmm…. wanna make out with this?
Post to comments the strangest / best thing you have ever tried as an anti-aging trick… sugar and lemon juice scrubs… mayonnaise hair masks… carrot oil… you name it. (I’m new to this…)
Andy? What keeps you so young???
Warm Up:
Coach’s Choice
Groove Workout Movements
4 Thruster (95/65lbs)
8 Hang Power Clean
12 Sumo Deadlifts
Rounds.Reps in 20min
Pace yourselves.
13 Apr 2014
Family Day Charity Workout Debrief
Afghan here with a long overdue thank you to the community!
On Feb 10th, Family Day weekend, a ton of you came out to take part in a memorial workout for my brother-in-law ,Wes Van Dorn. We had two classes of over 30 people with both the main gym and the shallow end rocking. It meant a lot to me to have so many people come out in support!
Many of you came with cash in hand and donated it for me to make a contribution to an Education Trust for my nephews Jaxton and Maddox. Even others sought me out afterwards to make a contribution. I thank you all for your generosity! The total donation made in the name of Crossfit Vancouver was $1,100.
A big thanks to everyone that came out, donated, or took it upon themselves to take this one on at another time! Thank you for letting me share with you about the unfortunate circumstances that befell Wes.. it helped me grieve and process what I was and am going through, and it meant a lot to my sister to see people taking on a tough workout in honor of Wes.
I’d also like to recognize and express my appreciation to all the gyms in the lower mainland and a few around the world that adopted this into their programming on short notice. Being able to reach out to you all and see you carry a post about Wes and the workout for your communities was very helpful in a trying time.
Love, Afghan.
Monday’s Workout:
Warm Up:
Coach’s Choice
Row 1 mile (That’s about 1600 m y’all!)
‘Rest’ 20 min – work on the skill aspect of one of your goats
Row 1 mile
Total row time for leaderboard
10 Apr 2014
In House Comp 2.0
We will be running our second in house Competition Saturday April 26th. It will consist of teams of three. There are no rules as far as men and women on one team. We will cap it at 18 teams of 3.
email if you want to register a team. COMP Team members will be provided with teams. If you want to compete and do not have a team, email me, and Lumber or myself will assign you to a team.
If you participated in our first in house Competition I encourage you to do so again. 1.0 was fun and exciting as well as challenging yet doable. I assure you our second edition will be just as awesome.
Our first competition was free, we are going to ask for $20.00 per head ($60.00 per team) this time in order to raise funds for LANYAR.
The workouts.
1. Heats are 8:30-8:50-9:30
16 mins to perform
8 200m ball runs
then, with time remaining each person will find there max weight of the following complex
3 deadlifts
3 hang cleans
3 power cleans
This workout is two data points, the run and the complex.
2. Heats are 12:30-12:45-1:00
9 min Cap. One person working at a time.
80 Overhead lunges 45/25
60 Burpees
40 T2B
then with time remaining accumulate max points
5 points per muscle up
3 points per chest to bar pull up
1 point per pull up
3. Heats are 1:30-2:00-2:30
Fight Gone Bad Follow the Leader
2 Rounds
30 Wall Balls 20/12
30 Sumodeadlift High Pulls 55/35
30 Box Jumps 20″
30 Push Press 75/55
30 Calorie Row
Each partner must complete two rounds, partner 2 cannot begin until parter 1 has completed their second set of wall balls, same goes for parter 3 following parter 2.
Coach’s Choice
Skill/Strength Element:
Sumo Deadlift 3, 3, 3, 3
400m Run
21 KBS
14 V Snaps
3 Rounds
Warm Up:
8-12 SL Hip Thrust w/3 sec hold
8-12 Prone Snow Angels
8-12 Push Back Push Up
8-12 Mountain Hopper
8-12 Hand Cuff Press
10 min
Power Clean
from Cf Invictus-
In teams of 2, 1 working at a time:
100 Power Clears (135/95)
1600m Ball Run (200m laps)
100 Burpees
09 Apr 2014
Hairkraft Studio
I’m the kind of guy, who even before the “complimentary” service, got his hair cut about every 2 weeks. High self care maintains a healthy work ethic and reduces the risk of burn out.
The relationship between you and your stylist becomes very special; in my case I get to crawl into bed with mine. They manage to process more feelings than the average therapist, give you an open space to vent, and send you out the door with a winning look. They aren’t that many places you can drop off your emotional baggage and come out gleaming with confidence.
There are experiences that leave you scarred for life, or at least the few weeks until your hair grows out. That fairy god mother can easily turn into the butcher. The emotional connection to hair astounds me sometimes; people who wear hats are inherently crazy (see: Alice in Wonderland). Anything that grows out of the origin of consciousness must be handled with care and compassion. Once you find your wizard of hairkraftmenship, you’ll preach to the masses.
The magnificent Simona Heger has been doing my hair since I made out with her on a couch and woo’d her over a series of romantic rendezvous. I may not pay cash, but if I didn’t have other services to trade, I would gladly front the bill. When you find a pair of skilled hands, you wash, rinse, and repeat. She is always taking new classes to build upon her already vast skill set. Aside from being a stunning example of what a beautiful woman can be, she puts your desires into a reasonable goal with a whimsical twist. Each hair follicle has a personality, and she knows how to work it. As co-owner of Hairkraft Studio, she and her astounding team provide a comfortable environment to build lasting moments and lustrous new looks. It’s no big ghastly salon, so you feel pampered in a cozy nook off main street.
If you think you can just slap a hat and get at it, you’re wrong. There may be some novelty attached to scruffy bed head. There may even be attraction to ratty long locks. Those strands connect directly into the head; don’t be surprised if that look reflects on how bat shit crazy someone is. Fluff those feathers and get some allure into your life; you’ll attract more money, women/men, and be among the stars.
Men’s Cut, Women’s cut, Washes, Styling, Blowouts, Updos, Colours, Highlights, Colour Correction, Chemical Treatments, Bang Trims, Neck Trims, A Braid Bar, and Style Nights.
Simona Heger
Big love,
Thursday’s Lesson Plan
Warm Up:
20 sec Push Up, 1 rep, 3 sets
KB/DB Windmill, 3/3 reps, 3 sets
SA Ring Row, 6 Reps, 3sets
Paloff’s Press, 6/6 reps, 3 sets
Quickly build Bench Press to 85% of workout weight
A1. Lean and Loiter, 45 sec, 4 sets
A2. Alt Rope Pull Up (L1,2,3,4,5 or 6) 6 reps, 4 sets
A3. No Money (w/4 sec pause) 6 reps, 4 sets
A4. Bench Press, 3 reps, 4 sets