20 Apr 2014
Last Chance for In House Comp 2.0
Hey all,
Just wanted to throw one last opportunity out there to anyone who wants to sign up for our second CFV in House Competition.
Workouts have been announced, but they are reposted below as a reminder.
If you want to compete, make sure your name is on the small whiteboard between the WOD and the garage door. If your name is not on the board, you are currently not competing. You may sign up solo and we will assign you to a team or you can sign up with a team. Cost is $20.00 per person. You have until Thursday night to sign up.
We initially decided to charge a fee this time around to raise funds for LANYAR.
When we set up this competition we were unsure of how our regional team would fair. As it turns out we qualified a team in 27th place. So we will be sending a team to compete in the Canada West Regionals May 9, 10 and 11. The funds are now going to go to send the team to Regionals. (registration alone is $400.00)
To give back to the community and to LANYAR, we have decided that if any member of Charlie’s youth at risk program would like to join a team, they can do see free of charge or better yet submit an entire team of Warriors. I would like to send a shout out to Geoffery Last who volunteered to donate his own money to register a team of LANYAR members. We appreciate your support for the kids.
Nutts Cup is around the corner and we will have another in house Comp in June. Both events will raise money for LANYAR. I apologize for the sudden switch but the members of Comp Team have been paying a premium for the program this year so I feel that asking them to give more when they are representing our entire gym over and entire weekend is a far cry.
Thanks guys,
Comp Workouts are.
1. Heats are 8:30-8:50-9:30
16 mins to perform
8 200m ball runs
then, with time remaining each person will find there max weight of the following complex
3 deadlifts
3 hang cleans
3 power cleans
This workout is two data points, the run and the complex.
2. Heats are 12:30-12:45-1:00
9 min Cap. One person working at a time.
80 Overhead lunges 45/25
60 Burpees
40 T2B
then with time remaining accumulate max points
5 points per bar muscle up
3 points per chest to bar pull up
1 point per pull up
3. Heats are 1:30-2:00-2:30
Fight Gone Bad Follow the Leader
2 Rounds
30 Wall Balls 20/12
30 Sumodeadlift High Pulls 55/35
30 Box Jumps 20″
30 Push Press 75/55
30 Calorie Row
Each partner must complete two rounds, partner 2 cannot begin until parter 1 has completed their second set of wall balls, same goes for parter 3 following parter 2.
Got Bar Muscle Ups?
Today’s Skill/Str:
Front Squat 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1
Second wave ( 3, 2, 1) should be slightly heavier than the first wave.
Today’s Workout:
6 Bdwt Front Squats
6 Lateral Hop Burpees
5 rounds
Stretch out. There will be more squats on Friday
16 Apr 2014
Easter Weekend Class Schedule Change
Attention! Holiday Weekend Class Schedule:
Friday April 18th: Closed
Saturday April 19th: 10am and 11am
Sunday April 20th: Closed
Monday April 21st: 10am and 5pm
Thursday’s WarmUp:
1 Length Walking Lunge with a Mobility Focus
10 2 for 1 Wallballs
1 Length Walking Rest
4 Rounds
Thursday’s Skill/Str Element:
A. Power Box Jump, 1.1.1 reps, 4 sets
B. Speed Squats, 4 reps @ approx. 55% of 1RM, 4 working sets
*Each rack will get a timer to time each set. An athlete’s first set should take no longer than 6 sec. If 4 reps take longer than 6 sec, reduce the amount of weight on the bar.
**We’ll use the stop watches measure a Critical Drop Off (1 second for this workout), and manage neural fatigue. So, if an athlete drops 1 full second from the first set to any subsequent set after that, they will discontinue the speed squat portion of this workout.
Thursday’s Workout:
Bring Sally Up – Back Squat
Leaderboard score is barbell weight, if successfully completed.
Compare with Nov 28 2013 (Month of Sheppy).
Saturday’s Warm Up:
Coach’s Choice
Saturday’s Workout:
In Teams of 3, Trading off rounds:
15 min AMRAP
3 Power Clean (135/95)
6 Push Up
9 Box Jump
5 Min Rest
15 Min AMRAP
9 Reverse Burpee
6 Pull Up
3 Ring Dip
15 Apr 2014
The Adrenal-Thyroid mystery: Part 1
I have a dear friend who is struggling with weight gain, cycle irregularity, and general fatigue—even though she follows Paleo, does Crossfit, and has twice completed The Whole 30 Challenge.
So what IS the deal?
Are some of us just genetically designed to have these issues? Or, are we somehow setting ourselves up for failure?
The mysterious ‘Adrenal Fatigue’… (Full Article HERE)
The adrenals are two walnut-shaped glands that sit atop the kidneys. They secrete hormones – such as cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine – that regulate the stress response.
But these hormones play other crucial roles, many of which are directly related to thyroid health.
‘Weak adrenals can cause hypothyroid symptoms without any problem in the thyroid gland itself. In such cases, treating the thyroid is both unnecessary and ineffective, and addressing the adrenals themselves is the key to improving thyroid function.’
(credit: Chris Kresser blog)
Stress is broadly defined as anything that disturbs the body’s natural balance (homeostasis). Including but not limited to: anemia, blood sugar swings, gut inflammation, food intolerances (especially gluten), essential fatty acid deficiencies, environmental toxins, and of course, chronic emotional and psychological stress.
All of these conditions sound the alarm bells and cause the adrenals to pump out more stress hormones.
Crossfit anyone?

Fatigued Squad
I’m not one of those athletes who train to the extent that menstrual irregularity comes into play. (I’ve done this once, during basic training…and it feels weird.) But over-training can definitely affect your homeostasis and stress you out.
Because the adrenals affect every system in the body, symptoms of adrenal stress are beautifully nonspecific. Awesome.
Some of the more common symptoms are:
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Decreased immunity
- Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep and waking up
- Mood swings
- Sugar and caffeine cravings
- Irritability or lightheadedness between meals
- Eating to relieve fatigue
- Dizziness when moving from sitting or lying to standing
- Gastric ulcers
Great. Now what?
Well, let’s start with a Simple Thyroid Test.
And then, move into balancing the Adrenals.
General guidelines for adrenal health: (credit: Chris Kresser blog)
- Avoid or at least greatly minimize stimulants
- Stabilize blood sugar (via a moderate or low-carb diet)
- Practice stress management and relaxation techniques
- Have fun, laugh and make pleasure a regular part of your life
- Avoid dietary causes of inflammation (refined flours, high-fructose corn syrup and industrial seed oils in particular)
- Ensure adequate intake of DHA & EPA
Hmmm…. maybe not like that.
So, HAVE FUN, eat well, maybe drink a little less coffee, and take your fish oil.
I’m only getting started here….
Like the Terminator, ‘I’ll be back’.
Coach’s Choice
A1. Lean and Loiter, 45 sec, 4 sets
A2. Alt Rope Pull Up (L1,2,3,4, or 5) 6 reps, 4 sets
A3. No Money (w/4 sec pause) 6 reps, 4 sets
A4. Ring/Archer Push Up, 6 reps, 4 sets
100 Burpee
200 Double Under
Mix and Match