05 Dec 2013
6 Things You Should Know About This Saturday
In light of Saturday’s 12 Days of Christmas workout, here’s Kermit’s Favourite Video:
1). 10 am until 1 pm Gingerbread House Making for you and your kids. Entry is by donation. Money goes to prize money for the evening’s Talent Show.
2). Wine and Cheese doors open at 7 pm.
3). Bring a friend and get your first glass of wine free!
4). Theme is Christmas Formal, so wear a dress. Or a tie. Or a Christmas sweater.
5). Silent Auction, which is now open and up on the bulletin board at the school, closes at 1 am.
6). East Van’s Got Talent starts at 9:30 pm.
Friday Lesson Plan
Warm-up (15 minutes): Coaches lead the class in some hip, shoulder, t-spine mobility
Workout Prep (5 minutes): Snatch Dowel Warm-up and go over the Snatch Pull
Strength (15 minutes): Snatch Pull – 5 x 5
Read Greg Everett’s blog about snatch pulls
**At the very end of this put-you-to-sleep, but informative snatch pull video, he does one at full speed. So skip to the last 10 seconds if you just want to see the movement.
Workout: 2011 Open Workout 11.1
10 minute AMRAP
30 Double Unders (Or one minute of attempts)
15 Power Snatch (75/55 lbs)
Saturday Lesson Plan
Warm-up: Set-up your stations and do 3-5 reps of each station
Workout: 12 Days of Christmas!
1 Burpee
2 Turkish getups (20lbs/35lbs)
3 Cleans (85 lbs/135 lbs)
4 Box Jumps (20”)
5 Push-ups
6 Air squats
7 Sit-ups
8 Wallballs (12lbs/20lbs)
9 Double unders
10 KB swings (red/black)
11 Pull-ups
12 Mountain climbers
**There’s always confusion about how this workout works. It’s just like the song. You do 1 burpee, and then 2 turkish get-ups and 1 burpee, and then 3 cleans, 2 turkish get-ups and 1 burpee. Then 4 push ups, 3 cleans, 2…You get the point.
See you Saturday!!
Eunice and Kermit
Kelly Hansen
Executive Officer,
CrossFit Vancouver School of Fitness / MadLab Business Group

04 Dec 2013
Squat Day
It’s Squat Day Thursday… are you ready!?!
Thursday Lesson Plan
Warm-up (10 minutes):
50 Banded Good Mornings
Then With an Empty Bar, Complete 2 rounds of:
10 Front Squats (Hold the bottom of the 10th front squat for 30 seconds)
10 Bent Over Barbell Rows (Slow and controlled)
30 Second Hollow Hold (hold feet and shoulder blades two inches off the ground)
50 Banded Good Mornings
Strength (12 minutes):
Front Squat (3 sets of 5) – Don’t max out. Just get your front squat good and warm for the workout
Workout Prep (10 minutes):
Find your weighted pull-up progression that you’re going to use in the workout. Strict pull-ups, or banded strict pull-ups are the progression for weighted pull-ups. If your hands are torn after Wednesday’s workout, substitute ring rows.
Workout: Quarter Gone Bad 2.0
To save your shoulders for snatches on Friday, this is Quarter Gone Bad with Front Squats instead of Thrusters
5 Rounds:
15 seconds Front Squats (135/95 lbs)
45 seconds rest
15 seconds Weighted Pull-ups (50/25 lbs)
45 seconds rest
15 seconds Burpees
45 seconds rest
Score it total reps.
03 Dec 2013
Smoothie In The Morning
I have 7am clients all through the week so I get up just after six every day.
I’m not a morning person. At all.
I am one of those people that will set my alarm as late as I can but not so late that I can’t hit the snooze button at least once! Needless to say, making myself a well balanced breakfast first thing in the morning has never been one of my specialties. On a good day, as long as the fridge is stocked full of food, I will make myself a veggie omelet with cheese to take out the door with me. Realistically that probably happens twice a week. The other 3-4 days of my work week usually start off with a big, green smoothie.
A smoothie is quick and easy alternative that’s loaded with all the nutrients your body needs to get moving!
Here is a simple guideline to: Making a Green Smoothie
Combine the following 4 categories of ingredients:
1. Green (use 1 or more): kale; spinach; bok choy; collard greens; beet greens; cucumber; broccoli; avocado
2. Liquid (use 1): water; tea; almond milk; coconut milk; coconut water (add ice if you want it chilled)
3. Fruits/Veggies (use 1 or more): strawberries; blueberries; bananas; carrots; beets; cherries; ginger root; lemon
4. Extras: protein powder; hemp/flax seeds; MCT oil; cinnamon
Wednesday Lesson Plan
Pre-Warm-up: Hip/Ankle/Hamstring Prep (10 minutes)
Warm-up: Beep Test with a mild punishment (15 minutes)
**Once you get knocked out, you must hold a plank until the last person gets knocked out.
Rest 10 minutes
Workout: Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:
Performance Option: EMOM for 20 minutes:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Scaled Option: EMOM for 20 minutes:
3 pull-ups
6 push-ups
9 squats
**If you start out with the 5, 10, 15 version and you can’t hold it anymore, then move to the 3, 6, 9 version. If you’re doing 3, 6, 9 and you can’t hold that, then take a minute rest, and resume your reps at the top of the following minute.
Leaderboard: Beep Test
Nearly two years later, the guilt still gets to me.
I still remember how his face changed from hope to total deflation.
The year was 2012.
The day – Valentine’s Day.
We were auctioning off bachelors and bachelorettes. Along with the twins Greasy Creepy imported from the US and Meagan ‘Mini Pussy,’ who was later purchased for $360 that night, we had a solid line-up of male contestants.
Scott Craig was one of them.
He was a late addition to the line-up. That Saturday morning, I approached him expecting he’d say he wasn’t interested, as he always seemed so shy and quiet. But when I asked him to partake in the auction, he was like a small child racing for his stocking on Christmas morning. It occurred to me at that moment that I really didn’t know Scott at all.
But that night, as the auction went on, Patty made the call to ‘Stop while we were ahead.’ We made more money than we expected we would, and we were anticipating people might get bored soon (and run out of money), so we called it off, with poor Scott Craig still waiting in the corner for some eligible woman to purchase him for a date.
In a lot of ways, this has been Scott Craig’s fate at CrossFit Vancouver – “Lost in the Shuffle.” And the thing is, I’m not sure why. Nobody is.
He’s a very attractive, mild-mannered, fit, successful, more than eligible bachelor.
Well ladies, this man won’t be lost in the shuffle anymore!
Scott Craig, who has also dabbled in stand-up comedy, is going to make you laugh as he MCs the TALENT SHOW THIS SATURDAY!!
THE DETAILS: Wine and Cheese/Silent Auction/Talent Show
-Doors open at 7 pm
-Wine and Cheese (Kane Morgan – our Wine Sommelier – will be one hand to educate you about the different wines)
-Talent Show – 9:30 pm
-Silent Auction (closes at midnight)
Tuesday’s Lesson Plan: SNATCH TECH DAY – Start light this week. The idea is to progress as the month goes on. NO PRESS-OUTS. PERIOD!
**Coaches, make sure you stick to the time limits for each Part of this hour. There’s a lot to get through in the hour! Set a clock.
Part 1: WARM-UP: 10 minutes
With a dowel or an empty bar, coaches will put you through a snatch warm-up, going through the components of the day:
a). Dowel Dislocates x 10
b). Overhead Squat x 10
c). Pressing Snatch Balance x 10
d). Heaving Snatch Balance x 10
e). Snatch Deadlift x 10 (focus on proper body position here)
f). 3-Position Snatch x 5
Part 2: SNATCH BALANCE (Heaving) – 15 minutes
5 sets of 3
Part 3: 3-POSITION SQUAT SNATCH (Squat Snatch-Hang Squat Snatch-High Hang Squat Snatch. You must complete all three lifts before putting the bar down.) – See video for details – 15 minutes
Warm up the 3-position snatch for 5 minutes and then hit the 7-minute EMOM
7 minute EMOM – 3-position Squat Snatch (Every minute on the minute, you will do one Squat Snatch, followed by a Hang Squat Snatch, followed by a High Hang Squat Snatch).
3-Position Snatch VIDEO
Part 4: SNATCH DEADLIFT – 10 minutes
5 sets of 5
OPTIONAL FINISHER: **If you’re a glutton for punishment and only come twice a week and want a heartrate hit, on your own HIT 75 Wall Balls! Can you do it unbroken?