19 Aug 2013
Hard Core's SNACKBOXES!!!
Laura (aka Hard Core) Mar is one of our morning crew chefs.
And she’s the owner of Snackbox, a company she started 5 months ago.
What is Snackbox?
Snackbox is a Canada-wide monthly subscription service that sends its customers a box of healthy, delicious snacks every month via Canada Post. Each month, members received a special curated box of snack foods and a new way to discover brands and foods they have never tried before. There’s a huge emphasis on gluten-free snacks.
In just five months, Laura’s company is growing fast – this month, they shipped out 500 snackboxes.
Pretty cool!
Check out their website: SNACKBOX
Laura has also created a coupon code: CROSSFITVAN. Enter the code and you’ll get $15 off your first snackbox.
Lesson Plan for Tuesday, August 20th:
Warm-up: Set the clock for 7 minutes and work through this quick little chipper (not for time!)
5 pull-up
10 push-up
15 kettle bell swing
20 Cossack squat
25 hollow rock
If you finish this with some time left over jump on the rings and work through 5-10 reps of the following progression for the front lever. Start by getting inverted then tuck (knees to chest) and lower yourself to hanging as SLOWLY AS POSSIBLE. If getting inverted on the rings isn’t an option for you start working through the circuit above one more time.
Strength: Two pieces. 25 minutes to get it done. Set up racks on one side of the gym floor and use the other half for dead lifting.
Sumo Dead Lift (3,3,3,3)
Press (3,3,1,1)
For the press, please help us in collecting some data by recording your heaviest triple and single on the white board next to your name. These don’t have to be maxes but should be quite challenging. On Thursday we’ll collect data on your handstand push-ups and body weight to make a comparison. This data will be particularly useful for us if you’ve recently gotten handstand push-ups or don’t have them yet. Thanks!
WoD: Sasquatch
Sumo dead lift high pull (75/55)
Push press (75/55)
12 minute time cap. Pick a weight where you won’t have to stop much to rest.
18 Aug 2013
Nutts Cup Hangover
Huge shoutout to the entire community who gave their time, energy, money, and love this weekend for yet another hugely successful Nutts Cup. It was a great day; the weather cooperated, the pig was delicious, and we were even on time! The party was equally successful. I arrived at 11 am this morning to see the state of the facility. The cleaners had already done their thing, and there was a woman sleeping on the couch upstairs. I have no idea who she was, but she looked like she had a good night.
Thank you NADIA for taking such great pictures. You can see her Nutts Cup photo album HERE!
Congrats to Hybrid Athletics #1 for winning the competition and taking home the $3,000 prize. Congrats to Team Yukon for raising the most money, and congrats to the PUP – this year’s DUDE AWARD recipient!
Also, the costume winners were FLUX CAPACITORS! You guys took off early, but we have a prize for you! Nice work Poker, Megan, and Rob!
Lesson Plan for Monday, August 19th:
Warm-up: Start off with some lengths of the gym floor to open up the hips and shoulders then move into the following.
3 rounds
20 seconds in a handstand or pike hold
10 seconds in an L-sit hold (rings or parallettes)
10 goblet squats
Tech: Overhead Squat
If this is a difficult movement for you keep it light and work on technique.
WoD: Nancy
5 rounds
400m run
15 O.H.S.(95/65lbs)
If the overhead squat is exceedingly difficult for you it may be best to leave it out of your conditioning work for a while until technique/mobility improves. If that’s the case for you feel free to sub in a front squat for the WoD.
16 Aug 2013
Progression of any good party
OK So I think it wise to prepare everyone for a good old Gaspesian (aka Madlab) party.
Over the years we have gotten countless amounts of complaints, threats and emotional breakdowns from people who came to the party with the wrong frame of mind (We used to say wrong people, but anyone can groove at one of these things, you just have to go with the flow, let go of a bit of control and trust those around you to take care of you…….get it. )
Got it
Here is the progression of any good party…..as keith Richards once said ” The best parties you only remember the vibe and images”
The vibe we want is…..LOVE!!!!
Any good party starts with a pre warm up. Find at least one friend and tell them you love them and maybe who you have a secret crush on. Let the love flow……..let go of the wheel.
Come to the “Lab” listen to some music, introduce yourself to some new people, chill and vibe.
Notice sheppy vibing the “Meatloaf” on karoke night……He is a cool guy. Terrible singer
Get your groove on wall flower………Don’t be a pussy, woman up and hit the dance floor!
Andy Sack = Foot loose

Chill talk laugh…..nothing going on here.
Ah fuck it why not? What would Andy do? He would go. So should you.
Pretty simple.
Chill. Love thy neighbour. Forget your bullshit and live in the moment.
The world is a good place because our brother Andy sacrificed his life so we could have a great night of friendship, love and togetherness.
16 Aug 2013
One more sleep until Nutts Cup
The biggest day of the year at CF Vancouver has finally arrived!
For those of you who haven’t been following, here’s a Coles Notes of the day:
24 teams will be participating in the competition; each team is made up of two men and one woman. Each of these teams either donated money or held fundraising events in honour of Andy Nutts, and all the proceeds raised will go to prize money and to our non profit LANYAR (Lt. Andrew Nuttall Youth at Risk). LANYAR has been Audrey’s baby – she has worked her butt of to turn it into a registered non-profit this last year. Next step is to become a full-on charity! READ MORE ABOUT LANYWAR HERE.
Thank you to all teams who donated money or held events. We REALLY appreciate it! And because of it, tomorrow we’ll be awarding $3000 to the winners, with smaller cash prizes for 2nd and 3rd. (We will release totals of all money raised next week once we’ve collected all of the fundraising money etc…).
Even if you’re not competing come on out. Here’s what else is going on:
-Pig Roast
-Members from Princess Patricia’s regiment in Edmonton are competing in a workout with our very own Youth Warriors
-Shaving the fittest man in Canada – Lucas Parker
-Wine Raffle (We have well over 100 bottles of good wine to raffle off)
-After Party (Doors open at 9 pm)
Here’s the schedule for the day:
8:00 am – Registration
8:45 am – Opening Remarks
9:15 am – Workout Briefing (all athletes and judges must attend)
10:00-11:00 am – Team Event 1 (1 heat)
11:00-11:30 am – Youth Warriors/Military workout outside
11:30 am-12:40 pm – Team Event 2 (3 heats)
1:30-2:45 pm – Team Event 3 (3 heats)
2:45-3:15 pm – Lucas Parker Shave the Wolf
3:15 – 4:00 pm – Moment of silence for Andy Nutts, and we’ll go right into “3, 2, 1 Go:” Event 4 – NUTTS HERO WOD
9:00 pm – After Party Doors Open
10:00 pm – Awards Ceremony
11:00 pm – Wine Raffle
2:00 am – Dude Award Announced
See you all tomorrow bright and early!
By the people for the people…………..THE DUDE AWARD!
Who in our community best exemplifies the strength of Character that Andy Nutts was so beloved for?
A little history of the Dude award:
Awesome Crew!!!! Best of the Best
Tomorrow stay tuned for “What to expect at a MADLAB PARTY?” “Rules, party fouls and regulations of a MADLAB PARTY”
Lesson Plan for Friday, August 16th:
Warm-up: 2 rounds
20 mountain climbers + 20 second plank hold at end
10 sit-ups
5 pull-ups/ring-rows (don’t make these too difficult, see below)
Tech: Two pieces. Warm up to each before testing.
1. Max weighted pull-up.
2. Max reps push-ups.
You don’t have to kill yourself here, but we want to gauge where you’re at.
WoD: 15 minute AMRAP
6 pull-up
9 weighted sit-up (45/25)
12 weighted walking lunge (same plate as sit-ups)
15 Aug 2013
Nutts Cup 2013 Event 2a and 2b
All right boys and girls of the Nutts Cup, here is the 2nd (actually the second and third events of the Cup).
The FINAL event will, of course, be the Hero workout ‘Nutts,’ which the top 8 teams will qualify for.
Nutts Cup 2013 Event 2a and 2b: Ball Run/Team Chipper
– There is a 20 minute time CAP to complete Event 2a and 2b.
– Once you finish Event 2a, you will move DIRECTLY into Event 2b
Event 2a: Ball Run
-6 x 400 m Ball Run (20 lbs).
-Everyone has to run at least once.
– Ball will be passed in a transition area (to be decided based on weather).
-Score is total time for team to complete 6 x 400 m ball runs
Event 2b: Team Chipper
45 Reverse Lunges with barbell in front rack (135/95 lbs.)
45 Ring Dips
45 Toes to Bar
45 Thrusters (135/95 bs.)
45 Hand Release Push-ups (hands must stay within a 3’ by 1.5’ box)
45 Pull-ups
1 Bar Muscle up
-Work can be divided up however the team likes
-One person working at a time
-For the barbell movements, a person cannot pick up their bar until the other bar is on the ground (ie. If switching from a man to a woman, the woman cannot wait with the bar on her rack to begin her lunges or thrusters. The man must drop his bar before she can pick up the bar)
-Only one person has to do a bar muscle up at the end. Time stops when that person’s elbows are locked out and his/her hips are at the bar
-Score if total time (If a team doesn’t finish, 1 second will be added to a team’s score for every rep they did not finish before the time CAP)
**Movement standards are pretty self-explanatory, but check out the workout video just to be sure!