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24 Apr 2013


Ahhhh the Double Under!  Some people dread this movement which is usually the case when they are not good at it.  For those that rock the Double Under…it is their time to shine.

One thing I can say is that the Double Under is a vital Crossfit movement and you have to put in the time to practice and hopefully eventually master it.  As for me, it still continues to be one of my goats.  However, months back the Lumberjack gave me a good tip that has helped me in my challenge to tackle this movement -Take 3 minutes out of your pre warm up and work on linking them together.  Also a great idea is pick up a jump rope and get to work in your back yard.


Today’s Skill/Strength Element:

Lever/Skin the Cat/Ice Cream Maker

Today’s Workout :

40 Double Unders

30 Air Squats

20 Hollow Rocks/GHSit Ups

10 Lunge in Place (60-45lbs M, 40-25lbs L)

AMRAP 30 Min




Some other gyms refer to them as “Fossil CrossFitters”…the ones who roamed the planet in the pre-games age!  Here at Crossfit Vancouver, we showcase these loyal members on our Wall of Respect.  I sometimes hear some of those long term members refer to themselves as the guiney pigs –’people who are used as a subject for experimentation or research’.

A lot has evolved at Crossfit Vancouver since it started 8+ years ago.  Way back then there was no personal training, no structured programming (each coach would walk in and get creative), no satellite radio (try getting pumped listening to Tracy Chapman) and no double unders to name a few!  What hasn`t changed is the strong community values that Craig, our owner and operator, has instilled since day 1.   5 box/gym moves later and here we are!

I would love to hear some of our ‘Wall of Respect’ members (or those who will be up there very soon) post some memories of the way we were.  Please post to comments.



Today’s Skill/Strength Element:


A. Snatch 1.1 (10 sec rest between reps), EMOM 12 min

Loading Guideline:

Sets         Approx %

1-3         60-65%

4-6         70-75%

7-9         80-85%

10-12     90-95%


add weight as you feel comfortable.

How deep can you get into this session with prefect technique?


B. Heavy Snatch Deadlift 5 reps, 5 sets


No Leaderboard today



23 Apr 2013


23 Apr 2013


The common head cold is inevitable for some but have you ever wondered why you have one friend down and out and sick all the time and another friend that never gets sick.  Not all immune systems are alike and there are a number of factors such as chronic disease, poor living conditions and bad tap water that have an impact on our immune systems, just to name a few.  By adopting healthy living practice such as exercise, healthy diet and adequate sleep we can boost our immune systems.  As for an unhealthy lifestyle with excess alcohol, poor diet and not enough sleep…you can bet your bottom dollar you’ll get sick!

Check out the link below for a list of 10 herbs and spices that will build up that immune system:



Today’s Skill/Strength Element:

Box Squat (@ approx 55% of 1 RM Back Squat),  3 reps, 5 sets

Today’s Workout:


5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Squats

20 min Amrap



At T-Bear’s suggestion I’ve recently started reading Denise Minger’s blog.  I’ve been enjoying it and I came across a chart I found kind of fun and thought I’d share.  It shows the protein content of raw vegetables, fruits and nuts.  The percentages are of the total calories of the food so even though many of the vegetables listed have a high percentage of protein, in order to actually get a significant amount from them requires eating a lot because these foods are so low in calories.


Guavas: 13% protein
Carambola: 11% protein
Cantaloupe: 8% protein
Peaches: 8% protein
Nectarines: 8% protein
Watermelon: 7% protein
Strawberries: 7% protein
Oranges: 7% protein
Grapefruit: 7% protein
Avocados: 6% protein
Cherries: 6% protein
Honeydew melon: 5% protein
Plums: 5% protein
Sapote: 5% protein
Papaya: 5% protein
Bananas: 4% protein
Pineapple: 4% protein
Plantains: 4% protein
Asian pears: 4% protein
Grapes, European: 4% protein
Blueberries: 4% protein
Grapes, American: 3% protein
Figs: 3% protein
Elderberries: 3% protein
Mangoes: 3% protein
Loquats: 3% protein
Cranberries: 3% protein
Persimmon, Japanese (fuyu): 3% protein
Persimmon, American (hachiya): 2% protein
Apples: 2% protein
Sapodilla: 2% protein


Spirulina: 56% protein
Watercress: 51%
Laver (seaweed): 40% protein
White mushrooms: 37% protein
Crimini mushrooms: 37% protein
Broccoi raab: 36% protein
Oyster mushrooms: 31% raw
Spinach: 30% protein
Sprouted mung beans: 28% protein
Chives: 27% protein
Asparagus: 27% protein
Arugula: 25% protein
Portabella mushrooms: 25% protein
Butterhead lettuce: 25% protein
Mustard greens: 25% protein
Beet greens: 24% protein
Lambsquarters: 24% protein
Mustard spinach: 24% protein
Cilantro: 23% protein
Sugar snap peas: 23% protein
Swiss chard: 23% protein
Green leaf lettuce: 22% protein
Sprouted lentils: 21% protein
Collards: 20% protein
Purslane: 20% protein
Nopales (cactus pads): 20% protein
Parsley: 20% protein
Broccoli: 20% protein
Cauliflower: 19% protein
Chicory greens: 18% protein
Endive: 18% protein
Romaine lettuce: 18% protein
Zucchini (courgette): 18% protein
Celery: 17% protein
Sprouted peas: 16% protein
Iceberg lettuce: 16% protein
Kale: 16% protein
Wakame (seaweed): 16% protein
Okra: 16% protein
Kohlrabi: 15% protein
Dandelion greens: 15% protein
Radicchio: 15% protein
Green beans: 14% protein
Scallions: 14% protein
Sweet red peppers: 13% protein
Tomatoes: 12% protein
Cabbage, green: 12% protein
Radishes: 12% protein
Garlic: 12% protein
Cucumber: 11% protein
Cabbage, purple: 11% protein
Turnip greens: 11% protein
Eggplant: 10% protein
Fennel: 10% protein
Kelp: 10% protein
Beets: 10% protein
Sweet green peppers: 10% protein
Celeriac: 10% protein
Sweet yellow peppers: 9% protein
Corn, yellow or white: 9% protein
Pumpkin: 9% protein
Turnips: 9% protein
Onions: 8% protein
Irish moss (seaweed): 8% protein
Leeks: 7% protein
Tomatillos: 7% protein
Carrots: 6% protein
Burdock root: 6% protein
Ginger root: 6% protein
Butternut squash: 5% protein
Acorn squash: 5% protein
Sweet potato: 5% protein
Parsnips: 4% protein

Nuts and seeds

Black walnuts: 14% protein
Pistachios: 13% protein
Almonds: 13% protein
Coconut water: 13% protein
Flaxseed: 12% protein
Sunflower seeds: 12% protein
Tahini: 11% protein
Chia seeds: 11% protein
Cashews: 11% protein
Brazil nuts: 8% protein
English walnuts: 8% protein
Hazelnuts (filberts): 8% protein
Pine nuts: 7% protein
Pecans: 5% protein
Macadamia nuts: 4% protein
Coconut meat: 3% protein

Lesson Plan for Monday, April 22:

Today’s Skill/Str Element:

A. Shoulder Press, 3 reps, 5 sets

B. Weighted Strict Pull Up, 2 reps, 5 sets

Today’s Workout:

800m Run




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