21 Jan 2013
Manic Monday
Warmup: B2B Tabata Squat
Tech: Box Squats 2 reps, 10 sets
Focus on getting hips back/shins vertical on the way down, and explosive speed on the way up
50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Here’s a short video with Dave Tate coaching the box squat. Notice the athletes knee position as he sits on the box.
Coaches- teach everyone about the mechanics of sitting back and developing a better glute-hamstring drive out of the bottom. Keep those knees back & out over the heel – pause on box and maintain a strong tight arch – engage a fire with those glutes & hamstrings exploding that bar straight up like a powerlifter!! Keep load manageable…don’t go too heavy.
Here’s a link of Dave Tate’s Instructions on the box squat.
Morning crew, my apologies for the late post.
18 Jan 2013
New Programming coming February!
First of all we want to thank you all for being such an amazing community!
You hopefully have seen a few changes around the place, many have been the actions of our Town Hall Meeting late last November.
We have some new equipment, the holes in the walls have been fixed and harder wood put in for those kipping HSPU’s. The coach/apprentice to student ratios in classes has increased. The first few specialty programs are pumping and the newest change is going to be our programming structure.
As of February we’re implementing advanced programming. A coaching team will be programming for the entire month. All other coaches will still be adding weekly content but this approach will help overall quality control of programming and enhance your CrossFit progress. The programming team will be able to better introduce and follow-up key skill transfer modalities and movements that’ll take your game to a higher level.
We are excited – this is long overdue. Bill and Ben have already started the framework for our first month starting February.
Now here is a link to an article written by Quin about our Youth Warriors program, check it out! http://community.crossfit.
Shoulder Press (2,2,1,1,1,1)
Push Press (3,3,3,3)
– work up to a 1RM Shoulder Press – 2/3rd’s of that will be used for your workout.
Workout – with a partner (avg 2/3 of each your Shoulder Presses)
– 3 Shoulder Press
– 9 Push Press
– 200 m Run
– alternate as many rounds as possible in 20 mins.
Sunday: Make Up Day – Chesty and Dash are leading
All the best,
Tbear & Dashie
You have probably noticed we’ve increased our extra curricular Specialty Program options in recent months. From Project Endurance to our Learn to Row to The East Van Barbell Club to our upcoming Kids Program, we are finding that people want more than CrossFit classes. So far, everything we have hosted has sold out. And our newest Specialty Program is not going to be an exception.
Introducing our Olympic Weightlifting clinic with Canadian 2012 Olympic medalist Christine Girard.
There were only 21 spots available, and we gave priority to coaches and apprentices, who have already filled the bulk of the spots. This is a good thing, though, because it will benefit all of you if your coaches and apprentices are better technicians when it comes to these highly technical lifts. Our increased knowledge will spread to every class we coach.
However, there are a few HOT spots left.
10 spots are still up for grabs. First 10 people to e-mail bill at william.mcclain@gmail.com get them!
What you’re signing up for:
Monday and Wednesday nights at 7 pm until 8:30 pm.
Starts February 4th.
Goes for 12 weeks.
Cost: $320 for 24 sessions.
Don’t worry – this will be an ongoing thing, so you’ll have more chances to improve your Olympic weightlifting SOON!
– Muscle-ups – proper banded progressions
– Deadlifts – Go Heavy (2,2,2,2,2,2)
Workout “Your a bad Mudder Futter”
-Muscle-ups (7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
-315/225lb Deadlifts (7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
(Alternate the two movements)
17 Jan 2013
East Van Barbell Is Full
The East Van Barbell Club is at full capacity!!
We only have enough room for 30 people in the shallow end so if anyone else is interested in joining the club this new year please send Jordy or Ben an email and we’ll get you on the waiting list. We want to thank those that have been a part of the crew for the last few months, we really appreciate your support and love the vibe we have going on right now!
If you want to join we are looking for people who want to make some serious strength gains and are willing to commit to the programming for at least 3-6 months. If you think this might be you, shoot us an email.