09 Aug 2012
Hi Everyone!
Please take note of the information below! It will help with knowing what is going on this weekend. If you have any questions or concerns please email [email protected]
2012 Nutts Cup Agenda:
- 7.30am: Registration/Waivers
- 7.50am: WOD Briefing – Shep
- 8.15am-8.30am: Patty Speech, Military Speech, O-Canada
- 9.00am-11.30am: Event One and Two (6 Heats, Every 25 minutes)
- 12.00pm-3.00pm Event Three (6 Heats, Every 30 minutes)
- 3.30-4pm: Lucas Parker Shave Off
- 4.30pm: Poem, Prayer, Last Post, Minute of Silence, 3-2-1 GO
- 4.45pm: FINAL WOD (Top 8 Teams)
- 5.30pm: Awards
- Party starts 9pm ($10 Now and during day, $20 at the Door)
- Auction finishes at 11pm
Other INFO:
-FRIDAY 4pm, 5pm, 6pm Meet at China Creek Park
-SUNDAY only a 5pm, NO 10am - DONATE WINE NOW! Use Paypal below
- NO PARKING in either Parking Lots! Park on the street!
- Athletes must arrive at 7.30am! Sign your waiver if you are not a CFV student
- Heat times will be posted in the morning, higher rank equals later start time
- WOD’s to be announced at the briefing (7.50am)
- There is one cut after WOD’s 1,2 & 3. Top 8 teams compete in final
- There will be food and drinks onsite
- Silent Auction will be going on all day, bring CASH!
- Wine Raffle! Tickets on sale all day or via PayPal (see below)
- Lucas Parker gets shaved!
- Vendors on site (Hero Apparel, RX , Paleo Cookbooks, Training FX and more)
- DUNK TANK! Take a shot at getting Patty in the tank! Or someone else!
- PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, check out the auction items on our Facebook Page.
Meet at the gym, and all classes will jog over to China Creek Park for some sprinting!
Warm-up: Tabata Mountain Climbers
Tech: On-field warm-up (samson lunges, karaoke, Sheppy’s favourite hip flexor exercises, high knees, kick the bum): Get good and warm warming up on the soft grass!
WOD: 8 Hill Sprints with 3 minutes rest in between each one: Alternate between forward and backward hill sprints.
Leaderboard: Best forward hill sprint time
08 Aug 2012
Nutts Cup DUDE AWARD! – Final Vote
Before the Pink Pink opens the floor to the DUDE AWARD, we’re going to talk a bit more about the Lucas ‘Teen Wolf’ Parker shavedown, a chance for everyone to get up close and personal and BS with the TEEN WOLF as you shave a section of his body.
A bunch of people have requested an opportunity to donate money for the cause. So without further ado, here’s a link where you can donate whatever you like to helping Inner City Kids GET FIT!!
Last’s year’s Dude Award winner: Bradleah ‘Pinky’ Dahlman
We are down to 5 finalists for the Dude Award and once again humans have managed to baffle me.
My first beef – 4 out of 5 make Crossfit Vancouver (me) no money:
Sheppy, Andy Sack and Tbear…….. a few votes. The best apprentices….practically nothing. Pink pig……..F@ck all
The take away: Being a great coach and being popular have little to do with each other.
Beef number two – Grossly contradictory evidence: The Pup is a nominee, but yet crying is one of the worst acts the dude can commit.
Eunice (Only one who makes CFV money) is a nominee but yet she has never shut down a party in her life. In fact she does the opposite………the bail out the side door telling no one she has left (That one panicked me a few times in the old days) is her patented move.
Here is the line up: Andy Nutts would be proud of this group……..but they still have a ways to go to get anywhere near where he was at.
Vote Here Click here to take survey
Tech: Power and Squat Snatch (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
WOD: Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:
Odd minute: 1 power snatch and 1 squat snatch (70% of 1RM)
Even minute: 3 paralette HSPU, 3 deficit plated HSPU, or 5 regular HSPU (or 5 of whatever your progression is at)
Eunice and Kerm
Lucas ‘Teen Wolf’ or ‘Wolf Man’ Parker is undoubtedly the fittest man in Canada. He competed at the CrossFit Games for Canada West in 2011 and 2012, and both years he was the top Canadian. This summer, he was 15th in the world!
In the last two years, he has become famous in the CrossFit community for his ever-growing beard and his quirky personality. An academic in a Wolf’s body, Parker has also gained notoriety for holding up workout briefings at competitions by asking thousands of questions (he won’t be competing at Nutts Cup, so hopefully we can keep the briefings brief).
In all seriousness, though, Parker is a pretty cool guy, who spent some time catching waves with some of CrossFit Van’s finest last weekend. He’s not just a good athlete – he’s a real person who isn’t afraid of being himself. He’s got real interests outside of CrossFit and can hold a conversation about topics outside of deadlifts and handstand push ups.
And something else about Parker – he knows that there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing. So this year at Nutts Cup, we’re scalping the TEEN WOLF of his back, chest and facial hair. For charity, of course.
How it’s going to work is we’re going to divide him up into sections, and you are going to donate to clip/shave a section (minimum donation is $20 per section) of his body. Remember, all money goes to inner cities kids.
You’ll be able to buy a section at CrossFit Vancouver starting Thursday. First come first serve, but we need all the sections of his hairy body accounted for by 1 pm on the day of Nutts Cup.
What are we doing with the face, you ask?? You’ll just have to wait and find out!
The Shavedown will take place at 3:30 pm on Saturday!
Tech: Handstand Walking and STRICT toes to bar
Handstands & Handstand walking (backwards and forwards, up and down “stairs” (plates). For those who are new to handstands, try a “spider walk” where you start with your chest on the ground, then walk your feet up the wall until your nose and toes touch the wall.
In between working on your handstands, hit the bar and do a set of max effort STRICT toes to bar. Coaches, don’t allow any ounce of swinging. These are huge core blasters if you eliminate the swing. If you can’t get your toes to the bar, do strict knees to chest. 3-5 sets total.
WOD: Sticking with the 21-15-9 theme (21 of each of the 5 movements, then 15 of each, then 9 of each)
Wall Balls (20/14)
OHS (95/65)
Box Jumps (24/20)
20 minute time cap
Volunteers: We need people to help set-up on Friday afternoon (3 pm until it gets done), and people to help set-up and take down for each workout on Saturday. Contact Andy at sack@crossfit.ca if interested in helping.
Judges: Contact Sheppy at theshepherd@crossfit.ca if you want to judge. You don’t have to go to CF Van to be a judge. If you have judging experience, we want you especially badly.
Athletes: We will post a schedule later this week, but expect to be there by 7:45 am on Saturday morning.
Nutts Cup Teams, MAKE SURE YOUR TEAM is on the list below. If it’s not and you think you’re registered, contact Emily at punky@crossfit.ca. Also, if you haven’t finalized who is on your team, or if I have the wrong person on your team in the list below, let me know!
We’re posting team videos until Wednesday, so if you’re one of the seven teams who hasn’t submitted a video, you have until Wednesday morning to submit one.
Watch all the videos at WODHOG.
Nutts Cup Team Rankings
1. CrossFit Marysville and Skagit CrossFit: The Sofa Kings: Ryan Swobody (or replacement Apollo Lewis) Ashleigh Moe, Noah Pester
2. The Kipping Squats: Anne Austad, Darren Carrido, JD Huyett
3. CrossFit Calgary: Chelsea Miller, Brett Marshall, Jason Burke
4. Hybrid Athletics: The Centaurs: Nate Beveridge, Mark Cassibo, Karolina Pawluk
5. Hybrid Athletics: The Talent: Robert Perovich, Tim Dickson, Ruthie Unaegbu
6. CrossFit Vancouver: The Breeders: Emily ‘Eunice’ Beers, Dan ‘Afghan’ Fontaine, Brad Chase
7. CrossFit BC: The Eh Team: Ben Highmore, Tom Highmore, Christine Kopr
8. CrossFit Rocky Point: Victoria’s Secret: Tyler Chomos, Victoria Hall, Joe Scali
9. CrossFit Bellingham: Jogo: Brad Sim, Jonathan Thom, Emilie Hester
10. CrossFit Vancouver: Two Cocks and a Chick: Mike ‘Lumber’ Dahlman, Quin ‘Officer Down’ Siah, Marco Citton
11. CrossFit Vancouver and CrossFit Sweatshop: Amy ‘Kermit’ Summers, Rikus Pretorius, Dave ‘Poker’ Poettcker
12. CrossFit North Vancouver: CF North Vancouver Lindsey Liddiard, Rich Liddiard, Corey Auger
13. Studeo55: Team Studeo55: Jeremy Edwards, Jessica Edwards, Milan Stan
14. CrossFit Vancouver: Colter ‘Bronto’ Ripley, Rhea Borkowicz-Stewart and unknown?
15. Team Token: Jason Noel, Ryan Tremblett, Jacquie Block-Glass
16. CrossFit Vancouver: The Party Rockers: Ben ‘Bumpy’ Poss, Marlaena Poss and Jordy ‘Guido’ Guindon
17. CrossFit Vancouver: No Repente: Justin Vroom, Steph Shea, Emile ‘Chestavez’ Maxwell
18. CrossFit Vancouver: Dave Fitzpatrick, Travis Goguen, Caroline Kirkpatrick
19. CrossFit Lions and CrossFit North Vancouver: The Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Men: Roe Stewart, Tom Patchell, Adam Walsh
20. CrossFit Vancouver: Weiner Dogs: Kelly ‘Dash’ Hansen, Trevor ‘T Bear’ Lindwall, Geoff ‘Pup’ Fraser
21. CrossFit Vancouver: Hot Sauce: Cindy MacMillan, Anthony ‘No Tone’ King and David Sims
22. CrossFit North Vancouver: Team Boom Sauce: Dave Kitchen, Chris Schaalo, Dani Brassington
23. CrossFit Vancouver: Under the Bus: Jenny ‘Bus’ Scott, Bill ‘Carnie’ McClain, Scott ‘Shiek’ Johnson
24. CrossFit Vancouver: Team Cheetahs: Conor Cruise, Ana ‘Fancypants’ Zaidan, Joel
25. CrossFit Whistler: Jordan Glasser, Jayde Quilty, Stu Ray
26. CF Kitsilano: Wolf Pack (Body by Bri): Fynn Mulligan, Nancy Rankel, Bryce Hafso
27. CrossFit Vancouver: Suck it up Princess: Gunnar Arnarsson, Rob Dunn, Natalie Dee
28. CrossFit North Vancouver: Moose Knuckles: Jian Pablico, Alex Stonkus, Kaitlyn Chernomaz
29. CrossFit North Vancouver: The Bath Salt Zombies: Mandy Gill, Matt Stonkus, Gerry Maynard
30. CrossFit Vancouver: Ballz to the Wall: Matt Dahlman, Amy Durante, Mike
31. Hybrid Athletics 3: The New Kids on the Block: Reilly McMorris, Leah Goddard, and one more?
32. CrossFit Lions: Alicia Hatt and two unknowns?
33. Fitness Town Etc: Suns Out, Guns Out: Dai Manuel, Ian Chapman, Maren Chapman
34. Studeo55: The Honey Badgers: Katie Nadorozny, O’Neil Warner, Conrad Fox
35. CrossFit BC: WOD MAD: Richard Roston, Kate Webster, Dan Webster
36. CrossFit BC: The Greasers: Kate Snyder, Tyrell Mara, Ryan Trinidad
37. CrossFit Rocky Point: Double Ds: Danielle O’Grady, Tom Smith, Sunny Sasherndran Pillai
38. CrossFit Vancouver: Channel 4 News Team: Simon Koeb Leah Ternan, Arnt Wiebicke
39. CrossFit Overdrive: TEAM AYCE (All You Can Eat): Marco Tan, Vanessa Fung, Dave Kuch
40. CrossFit Overdrive: Vik, Jacky and third member? Last names?
41. CrossFit Abbotsford 1: Matt McAleese, Shane McAleese, Lindsay Lackey Mcaleese McAleese
42. CrossFit Abbotsford 2: Unknown members?
43. CrossFit Vancouver: Satis-smacktion Rachel Forbes, Arthur ‘King’ Tsang, Rob ‘Lemonade’ Orford
44. Westies #1: Justin Edward, Marcelle Daniele, Joana Caroline
45. Westies #2: Christopher James, Goncalo Filipe, Heather Jean
Tech: Shoulder Press/Push Press
3 Shoulder Press immediately followed by 3 Push Press (5 working sets)
WOD: AMFAP (As Many Frans as Possible) in 15 minutes
Most of you have been off enjoying the sun for a few days, and what better way to get back into it but by doing not one, but maybe two or even three Frans!
Thrusters (95/65)
Pull Ups
15 minutes to complete Fran. If you get through it, begin another one. If you finish a second one, start a third. Can anyone do three Frans or more in 15 minutes??
Your score to the leaderboard is total reps!
Colter, I’m warning you. This won’t feel like a sprint. It’s time to learn to pace yourself, Bronto!
04 Aug 2012
Long Weekend Hours
Hi All,
Please remember: We will be closed this Sunday August 5th and Monday August 6th.
No classes will run on these days. See you Tuesday!
Get out and enjoy the sun
Your CFV Coaching Crew
03 Aug 2012
One week…. Enjoy your August Long!
Audrey Tannant Business Development Manager Crossfit Vancouver / Madlab School of Fitness
Sent with grammatical, autocorrect, and spelling mistakes from my iPhone