15 Aug 2012
Ladderboard Begins!
Thursday is our first Challenge WOD day, which means we get to start using the Ladderboard! We’ve recorded awesome PRs every time we’ve tested it, and if that wasn’t incentive enough, the VIP parking spot will be awarded to a Ladderboard participant every week. Should anyone win enough challenges to top the Ladder, they will receive free drinks at Crossfit Vancouver parties for a year.
Challenge WOD: Grace
30 Clean and Jerks for time (135/95 lbs)
Warm up with Tabata Double Unders and max your Clean and Jerk for tech
How the Ladderboard Works
- Thursday’s challenge WOD will be announced on Monday every week
- During the week you can challenge anyone to the test WOD
- The Ladder tracks how many challenges you have won
What’s the Point?
- Friendly competition will turn up the intensity and give you more PRs
- You’ll get to throw down with people you don’t know yet
How to Start
- Write your name on a card and stick a magnet on it
- Start your card at Level Zero
How to Compete
- Challenge someone to the test WOD
- Agree on a fair handicap (headstart) and write it down
- Go head to head!
- Record your results in the binder
- Advance your name one level on the board if you won
All possible questions about rules and format are answered in the FAQ posted beside the Ladderboard. Coaches please give them a quick read through.
Once more for effect, here are Pup and Dopey challenging each other to Grace:
Peace, Jolly
14 Aug 2012
Bring a sock.
When to Eat Before Exercise
As some of you may know doing CrossFit workouts on a full stomach is not the best idea. The double cheese burger you ate 45 minutes before class may feel like its trying to kick and punch its way out of the walls of your stomach during an event like Fran or Murph. To make sure you have timed your meal properly, you need to give yourself the correct amount of time to fully break down your food before you start the WOD. This usually requires up to 2 to 4 hours, depending on the size of meal and what you’ve eaten. Try and experiment a bit before you workout, everybody’s a bit different so find out what works best prior to your WOD.
What can happen if I forget to bring my sock!
Gymnastics Day (review)
Rope climbs/skin the cat/invert on rings/ice cream makers/wod movements
Workout: AMRAP 25 minutes,
10mins of Cindy 5pull up/10push up/15squats
10mins of Grover 5push up/10 alt lunges/15 sit up
5mins of mini Ursula 15box jumps/5 ring dips/1 rope climb
13 Aug 2012
Who's gonna take down Michael?
Warm Up: B2B tabata squats
then go to the Britannia School Track
Tech: a good running warm up
Sprint 400m
Rest approx 3 min
Sprint 400m
Rest approx 3 min
Sprint 400m
Rest approx 3 min
Sprint 400m
Hit it hard & post your fastest 400m
13 Aug 2012
The MadLab Ladder Board. Use it!
- To promote personal improvement, camaraderie, excitement and fitness through head to head challenges
- To get you to man up and have fun!
- It is good for your soul.
- Pride and Glory
- Oh Yeah, the 10X Grand Champion will receive a reserved parking spot under the “MadLab Ladder Champ” sign (being made as you read) by the front door of the School of Fitness
How it works
- Every Thursday night is Head to Head ladder challenge night
- WOD will be posted on Monday (website on Monday blog post)
- Every WOD will be from the standard list that makes up the Madlab fitness Rating (Wods on Leaderboard at gym)
- There will be a board to sign up on if you want to compete
- Find someone you want to challenge
- You have until Wednesday night to negotiate and accept a challenge with someone
- Both athletes need to have a good chance of winning, so the function of the Ladder is to create an even challenge for any two athletes regardless of current fitness level.
- The handicap should bring the lower performing athlete to the same level as the higher performing athlete so that both have an equal chance of winning.
- Most likely, athletes will agree on an equalizing handicap based on their most recent scores for that particular workout, general fatness, drinks on the weekend, etc
Example James and Meagan challenge each other to Fran. James has a Fran score of 5:00. Meagan has a Fran score of 7:00. Meagan proposes a 2:00 headstart. James thinks Meagan can improve her score more than he can, and proposes a 1:45 headstart. They both agree on a 1:50 headstart for Meagan.
- Don’t be a tool……find a compromise….take a risk
- Have Fun!
Ladder System
- The challenge winner will receive one point (1). The challenge loser will receive zero points (0).
- A ladder board will track total points, so that the athlete with the most challenges won will be the highest on the ladder.
- First to 10 wins becomes champ
- He or she will keep the parking spot until the next Champ comes along
- Once you are champ, you start over at 0
- Photo of the day on Monday will feature the leader
Basic Rules
- One (1) challenge allowed per week
- Each challenger must post most recent score for the challenge WOD with date
- Handicaps must be negotiated and written on a board before the challenge
- Negotiations can happen in the comments section or face to face (not on the board)
- We will not share contact info
- Progressions are acceptable
- The preferred method is Face to face, but is not compulsory – we are all on our honour
- Normal WOD standards apply, and should be reviewed beforehand
- Athletes are responsible for adhering to WOD standards during a challenge, although a third party may officiate if both parties agree
- After completing a challenge, athletes cannot challenge the same athlete for three challenges
- The winner must be posted on the board By 9pm Thursday evening……scores will not be accepted after that time
- The goal is to have fun and create another game to get fit – Don’t be a Prick!
Comissioner: Nathan “Home School” Jolly
Mondays exercise,
Warm up: 400m ball run 12/20lbs
Tech: BackSquat
Workout: Wendy: 21-15-12-9-6-3
Back Squat (95/55lb), Pullups, Shoulder Press (95/55lb), Situps
Post by The Pig
Wod by The Dude
12 Aug 2012
Nutts 9am…."Have Fun!"
Audrey Tannant Business Development Manager Crossfit Vancouver / Madlab School of Fitness
Sent with grammatical, autocorrect, and spelling mistakes from my iPhone

10 Aug 2012
KIDS workout at 12:30 tomorrow and TOP 5 VIDEOS!
Parents, take note: Gymnastics coach and CrossFitter Kira ‘Kojira’ Hallwood is hosting a Nutts Cup kids workout for kids ages 4 to 8 tomorrow at 12:30 pm. So bring your little ones out to take part in the fun!
La Wren working on her squat with mom Anna ‘Wench’ Konge
And now, the votes have been tallied and the panel chose the following five videos as being the most entertaining of all…
All five of these teams will receive an advantage in one of the workouts tomorrow – details to be released in the am.
Also, due to their rockstar performances in their videos, one man and one woman earned the title ‘Most Likely to Get Laid.’
They are: Danielle ‘Double D’ O’Grady and Milan Stan.
5. CrossFit Vancouver’s No Repente: Melrose Place
4. Rocky Point’s Double D
3. CrossFit North Vancouver’s cartoon
2. Studeo 55′s The Honey Badgers: Growing Pains
1. Studeo 55′s Team Studeo55
Nice work teams! See you all at 7:30 am until as late as you make it at the party!
PS Saturday: classes are cancelled
Sunday: 5 pm class only (make up day)