June 2012 | Page 6 of 7 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver

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Our Schools Camera has grown legs and walked off somewhere into the wilderness………
If anyone has seen it or borrowed it can you please tell it to COME HOME!!!!

The CFV Coaches and Apprentices!
[email protected]

06 Jun 2012

Pre-WOD Focus

Today we’re going to keep on our deadlift focus and tie in some chest pushing strength work so we can all continue on the road to achieve our aspirations to have a chest like Emilio Chestaves… but first check out the two videos below from Kstar.  These are great, especially for those of us with hamstring flexibility issues – I, for one, am guilty as charged.  Remember that muscle contraction is always the weakest at the end range of motion.  What that means for you is that if you can’t reach the bar or can barely reach the bar with your hamstrings loaded – you are going to have to compensate elsewhere to get the bar off the ground.

The first video is about some hip mobility work that I’d like to see pulled into the warmup today:


The second video is all about sequencing your setup for the deadlift, and minimum flexibility requirements to setup optimally.  It was eye opening for me!  Check it out.


Warmup: Hip mobility a la Kstar (video 1)

Strength: Wendler Deadlift 3, 3, 3+  and weighted ring pushups 3, 3, 3

Like the front squats earlier this week, the final deadlift set is an AMRAP set.  I cannot stress enough that these must be CLEAN, AESTHETICALLY PLEASING reps.  Keep your back safe.

Have everything cleaned up with 15 minutes left in class and setup some good heats for a quick burner workout!

Workout: For time (500 m row, followed immediately by a 400 m run).

Hit. This. Hard.  It’s the leaderboard.

Much Love, Afghan

06 Jun 2012


Sent from my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone

June 8-10, CFV is hosting the Executive Diploma Program.

CF owners and coaches come here to learn about business practices & what makes CFV so damn unique.

What CFV needs from you:

NEWBIES! (1st Day)

Friday, June 8th – 11am-12pm — 2 spots available

Saturday, June 9th – 11am-12pm — 6 spots available

Every new friend, acquaintance, family member who you sign up will receive 10% off of their PT sessions (should they commit of course).

Contact: Audrey@crossfit.ca


I’ll just piggy-back on Audrey’s post for today’s workout! Get your friends out for this, it’s no commitment on their part (though they should commit!) and it’s good for the community. Do it.

Wednesday Lesson Plan
Warmup: Coach’s choice

Tech: HSPU progressions, pistol progressions

Workout: “Swinging Mary”
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
10 pistols (alternating)
15 toes to bar

If you’re using a progression for T2B or if your hands are a little to beat up, I’d like to see people use V-snaps today. Do yourself a favor and don’t rip – that just ruins your week.

Cheers, Afghan.

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