17 Jun 2012
Sunday Make Up
Take the rest that you need and spend some free time making up one of the great options we’ve provided this week. I’ll be focusing on all the mobility wods covered this week. Get in and prep your body right.
So until next time, keep fit and have fun.
Big love, Chest.
15 Jun 2012
I don't like you because you're dangerous.
Like the mobility obsession, here comes the connection.
5 years ago I fell about 3 stories off a ladder and fractured my L1 (as in I broke my back). With a compression fracture, the muscles throughout my core had to stabilize and work overtime to pick up the slack. The fact is that vertebrae will never grow back. The connections I’ve strengthened over the last few years and the focus I put in place now, will forever shape my living/performance.
Life is movement. Establishing tension from head to toe transitions over to understanding dynamic stability (holding tension through range of motion). This translates to most if not all gymnastics movements; the principles learned, transfer into all our lifts and activities. The minute we slack through high speeds and heavy loads, sets ourselves up for injury. There are times we get away with rounded deadlifts, floppy running, and other crippling positions. On the highway to the danger zone we have a few close calls, let’s not all lose a goose.
Strengthen the connections and focus on tight technique. I’ve posted a few helpful vids from Carl alongside the tech. It’s up to you to fly straight.
Warm Up:
Classic Scapular Mobility
Wall Angels
5 Breath Push-Up
False Grip Practice Like this>>>
Muscle Ups
Hollow Body Pull-Ups (chest, belly, crotch) Like this>>>
No False Grip Transition Like this>>>
False Grip Transition Like this>>>
Partner Assist Muscle Up
Handstand Push-Ups
Play with distance from the wall.
Thumbs to the wall and elbows back.
Kip by driving heels into the wall.
Workout: “Super Gym”
For Time:
30 Muscle Ups
1 Mile Run
Break up the MU’s and HSPU’s however you like. After all 60 reps are completed, finish with 1 mile run.
The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room,
14 Jun 2012
Nail Christine to the wall…
…but first
The CrossFit Vancouver Pre-Warm Up. Number 8.
How many of you actually spend any time on that machine? You may hang out through your personal training and then, maybe, a few times after graduating into classes. It seems most of the community will slowly find their own fusion of the pre-warm. Lubing up our joints and prepping our bodies for the next hour is important. By this point you’re still waiting for me to tell you what machine I’m referring to…
GHD (Sit-Up)
Get in earlier and get on the damn thing.
This is a potent midline developer, and doing it more will only benefit you when it comes to explosive carry-over.
A few points:
1) Hip flexors are essential for functional movements (We seem to do a lot of those here…)
2) Most athletes are hip flexion weak (Why can’t you explode that bar up?)
3) Weak hip flexors means weak abdominals (Flash those beach Abs like they actually do something other than grate cheese for nachos.)
4) Static contraction/stabilization exercises develop the Abs functional role (Midline Stabilization otherwise…JENGA!)
GHD Sit-Up Elements
Warm Up:
Prep for BJ’s…then 4min Burpee/Reverse Burpee Ladder
Wendler Deadlift (5, 3, 1+)
GHD-Sit Up Review
Workout: “Christine…Drill’er”
For time:
40 GHD-Sit Ups
800m Row
24 Deadlifts @ Body Weight
42 Box Jumps
She’ll feel it in the morning.
Big Love, Chest.

We are cancelling CFV SATURDAY Classes so that everyone can go out and support Lumber, Pinky and Eagle in what has been a huge adventure for them! These three have worked so hard to develop a box and have had great success.
13 Jun 2012
From Core to Extremity…and back
We all live for our place in the universe, earth, or just here in the CFV box. The relationships we build, break, and rebuild allow us to understand and adapt for the future whilst validating the past. Without the failed attempts, personal bests, and rehabilitation we will, again, be limited by our mobility. Balance.
The connections we focus on today will help us understand our weaknesses within physical the chain of command. We start from the core(our centre, stability, power generator, and balance) and work out to the extremity(how we connect with the world). The second you violate the extremity, the core immediately reacts (Think, turkish get-up: weight moves outside safe shoulder position, stabilizer muscles contract or think, a few too many road pops on your way out: you wake up next to bigfoot). Balance.
Years of over compensation from repeated movements and injuries continue us on a path of lop-sided living. Balance.
Warm Up:
2min of loaded ankle mobility (Squat, then focus on closing off the ankles and working through ROM) Like this>>>
400m backwards run
Broad Jumps X 5 (Feet together, 5 continuous jumps, measured at back foot heel, 3 attempts)
Front Hammer Lunge (forward/reverse)
1) Sink the hips, don’t move the knee ahead of the ankle
2) Back knee touches the ground: pull the toe up to engage glutes
3) Make note of weaker side and do another set
18 Minute AMRAP 0f:
10 right Front Hammer Lunge
10 left Front Hammer Lunge
10 Broad Jumps (Body Height)
25 Hollow Rocks
Big Love, Chest.