October 2011 | Page 3 of 4 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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Blog Archive

11 Oct 2011

Get Up

Pudgy Stockton cira 1940

Today’s Skill Tech Element:
Heavy Turkish Get Ups

Today’s Workout:
Sprinting Cindy
3 minutes of
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
90 second Rest
4 Rounds

Start each new round where you left the old round


Today’s Skill Tech Element:

Snatch Work

Today’s Workout:

Work up to a max Snatch for the day, in-between attempts work up to a max weighted Pull Up.


Please note there will only be one class on Thanksgiving day at 11am

Today’s Skill Tech Element:
Split Jerk, 2-3 reps, 6-8 sets – Stick to a moderate weight, and focus on precision and speed.

Today’s Workout:
In Teams of two, trading off rounds
10 Wallballs
20m Bearcrawl
15 minutes


Hey good looking:


Tech: Deadlift

WOD: Deadrun
12 min amrap
400m run
5 deadlift

score = reps x load


Make Up Day

06 Oct 2011

Play Day!

At CFV we like to work hard but sometimes we forget to just have fun. No leaderboard today. Grab a partner or a couple partners and play together trying these different stations. You can challenge each other to see who wins or help each other. Whichever is more fun for you.

WOD: Partner Play Day

Station 1: Slosh Pipe
Andy made this fun tool that we rarely play with. Try a front, back and overhead squat with it. Can’t do it alone? Do it in tandem with your partner. Or challenge your partner for max reps.

Station 2: Prowler Races
We have 2 sleds. Load them with weights and challenge your friend to sprint the length of the school.

Station 3: Hanging Travel
How far can you travel along the pull up bars? Can you make it across the school and back?

Station 4: Heavy Bag Slams
How many can you do in 2 minutes ground to overhead? Go head to head with your partner or if the bag is too heavy to do alone, get your partner to help you and see how you do as a pair.

Are there other games you can think of? Feel free to play and innovate. Use the full hour, travel around the school, play with the toys.


Once upon a time, Blewett blew Bilbo, and here we are a year later – their love is stronger than ever.

They’re also heading out of town for a few months, leaving this weekend. Blewett has been part of CF Van for a number of years, and Bill has been an integral part of the coaching staff this past year. We’ll miss you both, so we’re at least going to send you out in style.

Join us in the lounge this Friday starting at 8 pm for a WINE, CHEESE and CHOCOLATE Appreciation Night. Bring a block of cheese and some wine, or some chocolate and wine, or some chocolate and cheese…you get the point.

- Eunice

Please note that this weekend is a long weekend to celebrate Turkey Day.  Schedule changes as follows:

Sat: As normal (10&11)
Sun: 10.30 & 2pm
Monday: 11am

05 Oct 2011

Triple Squat

Most people come to CrossFit with an open mind and are ready to listen when we discuss nutrition. Others balk when we cast grains in the role of villain. I guess you can believe anything you like. My question is: Is it working for you?

If you’re unhealthy, out of shape, overweight maybe you need to reconsider your beliefs.

My background is anthropology/archaeology so when I first came across the Paleo approach it made sense. Here’s an archaeological take on agriculture:


WOD: This one is going to take the whole hour so get classes started early. Allow 20 mins per lift.

1 Rep Max Overhead Squat
Do some reps at lighter weight to warm up then quickly drop to singles and build up to a max.

1 Rep Max Front Squat
You can probably start off at about the same weight you finished with in the OHS.

1 Rep Max Back Squat
Again, your back squat weight probably begins where your front squat finished.

Your score is your max OHS + your max Front Squat + your max Back Squat

Party is Saturday, October 29th. Doors open at 9 pm.

Tickets go on sale tomorrow – Wednesday, October 5th.

If you have never been…..it is a festival for the 5 senses…..not the least of which is the sight of 300 Crossfitters and “cool” friends all decked out in well prepared costumes.

You will see everything……

Some damn fine pecker lifting little costumes with HIGH HIGH heels (most women)…. movie quality werewolf shit or a grown man in a Scouts Canada Beaver costume.

We have it all in our great community Haloween Party. You will experience some mind blowing shit…….

But only if you bring the Love and the Happy………if you let go and go with the flow……

The vibe will take you where you need to go. :)

Bring friends……get down……and love one another, don’t drive and take care of each other

We have decided to issue tickets this year…………We have no choice

1. We need to be able to monitor who comes into our house, keep the fuck ups out, and control the numbers. This thing pushed over 500 people last 2 years. We can’t handle 1,000.

We want this party to be safe as a slumber party at Barny Rubble’s.

Everyone coming in the door will have a ticket with their name on it, and if they’re not from our community, their CF Van connection’s name will also be on the ticket. You are responsible for your guests……..legion style. We will have one man and one woman ticket taker at the door all night, who will also give you a drink voucher for a free drink upon entry.

Price: $10 per ticket. Includes one free drink. You’re free to buy two or three tickets for friends, too. We’re printing 400 tickets only.

2.We are now required, since the broken arms,legs and wrists of the roller disco party, ( didn’t see that one coming…..hmmmmm hundreds of drunken, high crossfitters on roller skates…..no issues there) to get special “event” insurance and a liquor license…..(ie limit the number of people) Combined with DJ, Sound system, decorations and a clean-up crew, our costs are over a gboy before the party even starts

VOLUNTEERING: I’m posting a sign-up sheet at the school for anyone who wants to help decorate the day of, or ticket take. Ticket taking and bartending are sweet ways to get to know people if you’re new to the community.

E-mail Sheppy at [email protected] if you want to bartend.

Facebook Event Page

If there’s one CF Van function you should make the effort to show up to, it’s this one…

T-Bear – Opening Act?

- Eunice

This is an article on the fitness tests and standards used for WWII soldiers. If you’ve ever done a 1st day fitness evaluation at CFV then this may look fairly familiar. Not the same mind you, but very similar. Then look at the average scores back then and think about your scores on day one:


Ring Dip Max Reps
HSPU Max Reps
L-Sit Max Hold
Take a rest between attempts. Time permitting you can make more than one attempt at each movement.

WOD: Toes and Balls
AMRAP in 15 mins
10 Wall Balls (12/14/20)
10 T2B
10 Box Jump (20/24)