1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
 | info@madlab.ca
 | 604.253.1261

2 Weeks Until Mobility Seminar

2 Weeks Until Mobility Seminar

2 Weeks Until Mobility Seminar

My goal is too provide all attendees with the knowledge and tools to effectively take care of common issues like low back pain, bad posture, and muscle and joint function. If you suffer from a range of motion deficit or are constantly injuring yourself , this is a great place to start. If you are considering Weakness 101 this a is a great preparation tool so that Tom can program the real work for you, and not mess about with your muscle and joint imbalance. There will be plenty of time for questions and I will be presenting a more individually focused program later in the year.

Each week will be addressed as such:

  1. Self Manual Therapy: Soft tissue release through rolling and smashing. Common restrictions with more effective ways of releasing them.
  2. Activation/ Corrective Exercises: Awaken dormant or weak musculature for full recruitment. Improve position and posture.
  3. Progressions/ Regressions: Know where you are and where you are going. Qualify yourself to move forward.
  4. Shotgun Fix: Quick fixes for specific issues when you’re under the gun.
  5. Facilitative Stretching

Week 1 Trunk Stability
Motor control basics starting from the midline. The trunk holds you together and translates movement more than any other part of your body. Unify your core with strength exercises and release techniques. We’ll show you the tools you need to stiffen the trunk to remove back pain and eliminate weakness. This will be the core of the program and translate throughout.

Week 2 Squat
Drills and skills to correct the movement that rules them all. Feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, and hips; what is holding you back? From the ground up we’ll address how we all squat differently. There are fundamentals that rule us all but our individual body composition defines your squat.

Week 3 Hinge
Similar issues when squatting can restrict us from bending over. The hinge classifies all hinging variations focusing on deadlift and swinging (translates over to cleaning and snatching). It’s all about finding the most advantageous position for the individual. This will unify the 2 weeks of hip dominance.

Week 4 Push/Press/Pull
Holy shoulders. Here we have saved the most troublesome issue of all. Our focus will be on re-stabilizing and building a strong foundation for better pushing, pressing, and pulling. If something is tight, it’s probably tight for a reason. This is more than just hanging out on a band and wrenching at the joint.

Program will begin in March. you will have the first week to attend an assessment. The following weeks will be held at 12 noon on Sundays (March 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th). This is great for veterans, intermediates and new comers; learn how to manage your priorities and fix problems before and after they happen.

What you’ll walk away with:

  1. Fundamentals for improving movement quality
  2. Effective tools for soft tissue release, dynamic stability, and corrective exercises.
  3. Correct progressions and regressions for your level of movement.
  4. Systematic approach to mobility and training.
  5. Great times with Chesty & CJ making you less decrepit.

8 hours of Supple Muscles and New Range for $280. Email [email protected].

Assess don’t assume,




Gather 1 minute of a Handstand Hold
Gather 1 minute of a Straight Arm Hang from the bar
3 x 15 Glute Bridges
3 x 5 Plank Walk Outs


Turkish Get Ups 6 x 2


15 Minute AMRAP of…

15 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 45/35
25 Double Unders


  • By Clyde 24 Feb 2014

    popping my new-website-comments cherry :)

    what are the weights for the dumbbell snatch?

  • By Panda 24 Feb 2014

    What weight for the db snatches?

  • By Afghan 24 Feb 2014

    We used 50 lbs for gents this morning, so maybe go for that!

  • By Woodchuck 24 Feb 2014

    A tired and cranky Woodchuck used 40lbs…
    The lighter you go the more cardio you get…it’s really a lose-lose situation

  • By Clyde 24 Feb 2014

    since when am I a gent?

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